SCOTUS Mulls Striking Down All of Obamacare

By Philip Klein

Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court this morning considered what to do with the rest of President Obama’s national health care law if its individual health insurance mandate is struck down. Though it was difficult to get a clear read on their thinking as they asked tough questions of all sides, the Court seemed open to the possibility of overturning the entire law.

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Related reading:

SCOTUS Murky on Fate of a Mandateless Obamacare
Slate (28 March 12)

Justices Consider Whether Health Law Is Viable Without Mandate
Real Clear Politics (28 March 12)

Solari Report Blog Commentaries

Conservative Justices Question Insurance Mandate
(27 March 12)

Health Care Law Reaches High Court
(26 March 12)

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Insurance Mandate
(14 Aug 11)