I finally finished The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein. What a fine piece of investigative journalism. Klein nails Milton Friedman, Jeff Sachs and the line of economists whose specialty is promoting the intellectual air-cover for economic theft and genocide. Klein does an outstanding job of explaining the intentional use of selective violence and torture as part of the economic rape and control of a place.
One of our greatest powers to create true transformation is our ability to withdraw our approval and intellectual and financial support from the companies involved and financially benefiting from disaster capitalism. To see and gather this power, it is essential to understand that so many seemingly “reputable” people and companies are intentionally engaged in activities that are this destructive of real wealth.
And just in time to provide ever more support for Klein’s already significant documentation comes the latest treat from Wikileaks:
U.S. Special Forces Counter-insurgency Manual FM 31-20-3
“What we learned about running death squads and propping up corrupt government in Latin America and how to apply it to other places”.