Solari Report Resources 101

Introduction to Solari Report Resources

Subscriber Content and Resources

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The Solari Report 2012-05-03


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Transcript of Solari Report Resources 101 – 5.03.12 [PDF]

Audio Chapters

1. Introduction & Theme – 0:00   – Theme: Returning From Portugal. …

2. Money & Markets – 06:53   – American renaissance: fact or fiction? Natural gas prices drop below $2 for the first time in 10 years. The US presidential election. Monsanto and bee research. THRIVE response to John Robbins. Smart Meters!! …

3. Solari Hero – 18:34   – Sepp Holzer – Austrian Permaculturist; see the blog post for his upcoming workshops in the US …

4. Ask Catherine – 19:09   – What about overseas bank accounts? Read FBAR article (note links to previous Blog Posts at the bottom of that article.) See How to Find a Good Local Bank, will be helpful in finding a global bank; What about solar panels, the price, etc.? …

5. Presentation – 24:02   – Subscriber Resources 101 – Building Personal and Family Wealth, What does it mean? – We think the way to reinvent the financial system is one person and one family at a time, so each of us acting this way gathers real power. I am as much interested in you building power as building financial wealth. We think the way to reinvent the financial system is one person and one family at a time….so each of us acting this way gathers real power. I am as much interested in you building power as building financial wealth. Catherine broke down Solari Reports into categories based on your balance sheet. Those sections are:

  • Financial Assets
  • Tangible Assets
  • Precious metals (library)
  • Energy, oil, gas
  • Intellectual assets
  • Data
  • Real Deal map
  • Living assets
  • Community
  • Spiritual
  • Income Statement
  • Start your own business
  • Decrease your expenses

6. Up Next & Closing – 1:21:53   – May 10, Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders; May 17, Catherine gets together with Jon Rappoport to talk about their favorite Documentary films …

“Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free.
~  Robert A. Heinlein

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The Solari Report offers a rich archive of resources. After speaking with subscribers during our last few luncheons, I learned that many of you would welcome an introduction.

This Thursday, I invite you on a tour of the rich library of materials available with ideas on how to access what is most valuable for you and yours.

I will start with Money and Markets, including a report on my visit to Portugal, including the Tamera conference on water landscapes that brought together people from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. There was much discussion about rebuilding the land and the economy.  Please post your questions for Ask Catherine.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Stephanie Black’s documentary Life and Debt about the “beat down” on the Jamaican economy by the global financial interests as a prototype for the model being applied in the south of European  today.

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Talk to you Thursday!