By Catherine Austin Fitts
BlackBerry held out for a long time. However, successfully catering to business and investment professionals meant their data flow was much too valuable. There was no way the intelligence agencies were going to tolerate them maintaining government invasion free private communications. To continue reading Catherine’s commentary on current events subscribe to The Solari Report here. Subscriber’s can log in to finish reading here.
So BlackBerry is being taught a lesson about what happens to companies that are not friendly, like Google and Facebook. Will their new owners help them hold out for privacy? Or are they already too compromised? Investment professionals worldwide fantasize about the power of real privacy to return us to markets and sane communication.
I have a Blackberry. I am grateful for the opportunity to own a phone made by a company that is not yet a subsidiary of the NSA.
Related Reading:
BlackBerry Gets Tentative $4.7 Billion Deal to Go Private
Blackberry on Wikipedia