The CIA, NSA & Google with Nafeez Ahmed

Read the Transcript

Read the transcript of The CIA, NSA & Google with Nafeez Ahmed here (PDF)

Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2015-02-12

Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2015-02-12

February 19: Breakthrough Energy with Joel Garbon

February 26: Financial Transparency with William Bergman

March 05: 1st Qtr. Equity Report

The technological era involves the gradual transition to a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain uptodate and complete files containing even the most personal information about each and every one in the population’. ~Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard, 1997

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week on The Solari Report, I am speaking with Dr. Nafeez Ahmed.

For many years I have found myself out of alignment with a remarkable number of financially sophisticated people who I like and respect. They say the global financial system is going to collapse. I say, no, it will slow burn. When we flush out the differences in our assumptions, I find that one of the driving variables is my assessment of how information technology is used to manage everything from popular opinion to consumer and financial markets. In short – invisible surveillance is far more invasive and powerful – by person, family and community – than even the most intelligent and knowledgeable among us understand.

My colleagues thought we lived in a market economy that was increasingly manipulated. I thought we increasingly lived in “The Truman Show,” a movie about a character who grew up and lived his entire life in a reality TV show.

Thanks to a series of investigative reporters and whistleblowers, the popular consciousness about information technology has begun to change. However, there is an enormous opportunity for investigative reporting to help us understand the evolution of the public-private partnership that runs the new info-control state and how we navigate our lives as it attempts to harvest and manipulate us.

So I was delighted to learn that Nafeez Ahmed had launched Insurge Intelligence and published an outstanding new series exploring the history of Google.

This Thursday, Nafeez joins me from London to tell us more about the “soft face” of a global empire. Your choice of search engines and e-mail providers may never be the same. For those of you who want to understand how intelligence works in our society and economy, this series is not to be missed. Solari has signed up to participate monthly in support of Insurge Intelligence. This is an excellent example of how crowd funding can fund the transparency that you and I need to thrive.

Insurge Intelligence; Watchdog Journalism for the Global Commons

In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest in financial and geopolitical news.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will revisit Terms and Conditions May Apply, a documentary reviewed once before. I strongly encourage you to see it before you once again click yes to a terms and condition contract that you do not possibly have time to read.

Talk to you Thursday!