“The strategic adversary is fascism… the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.” ~ Michel Foucault
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This situation is not a good sign.
The governors of New York and New Jersey, Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie, are both former prosecutors. They have both been recently targeted and are under investigation by the Department of Justice for criminal allegations. And they just happen to be doing a dance with the federal government to define how mandatory government quarantines will be implemented.
White House Tries to get States to Reverse Mandatory Ebola Quarantines
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I would say get out New York and New Jersey, but this dance is designed to give the federal government the right to kill and steal with impunity in all 50 states. They do it now, but this is a step towards giving them the ability to do it a lot faster with popular support.
Here is the secret to implementing fascism. You want to be able to go after some without all the others figuring out that you are coming for them. That was part of what the War on Drugs and the War on Terrorism were all about. The War on Little Invisible Viruses that No One Can See or Prove Exist appears to be next.
Before you go after anyone you want your legal powers and process all set up ahead of time. Best to do it in a manner that flashes a signal “we are here to help you.”
Related Reading:
Ebola and Big Data – Call for Help