Aaron Russo was a fearless, talented, capable man. He loved life and people. He could not fathom why millions of Americans were adapting to fascism. I got to know Aaron while he was filming “America: From Freedom to Fascism.” If you have not seen it, I strongly recommend it, including the section regarding RFID chips.
Before his death, Aaron gave an interview about his conversations with a member of the Rockefeller family regarding plans to further centralize control of the human race.
In this context, Aaron was referring to RFID chips which are human microchip implants. Such an implant is “an integrated circuit device or RFID tag encased in silicate glass and implanted into a human’s body. Such subdermal implants can be used for information storage, including personal identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information.”
I was proud to call Aaron my friend. If he said that he was told that plans were underway to create a system to integrate the financial system into centrally controlled chips planted physically in our bodies, than that is what he was told.
As you assess the advisability of your taxes and government resources funding more federal government databases, particularly those regarding our bodies which could function as a critical component to implement such a system, I would encourage you to listen to this interview with Aaron and integrate his knowledge and experience into your own.
~ View Parts I through VI of this article here.