The Disappearing Honey Bees: Cui Bono?

This week James Altucher published a column, Profit From the Plight of the Honeybees, on how to profit in the stock market from the disappearing honeybees. I have posted several stories on the disappearing honeybees in recent Top Picks.

Altucher includes a link to a proposed Disappearing Honeybee Portfolio which is tracked at Included are companies who can create gentically modified food and companies that can make such food smell like real food. For example, it sounds like technologists can make genetically modified soy products smell like oranges or lemons.

There is, however, a question that needs to be asked. How are the investment syndicates backing the development of unnatural food related to the investment syndicates arranging the shenanigans that may be causing the honeybees to disappear — or other harm to our food and water supply and accessibility? Examples include use of various pesticides and chemicals in agribusiness, Aerosol Crimes (See recent Top Picks on this blog for a link to this wonderful video) and manipulation of the electromagnetic fields through HAARP or cell towers? Another question to ask is how it relates to those promoting the National Animal Identification System. (See Justin and Franklin Sander’s wonderful article Tagging Terrorist Chickens listed in earlier Top Picks)

If we are going to shift out of oil into much less expensive, renewable energy technologies, then perhaps we will need a new resource to ensure top-down political control. Food and water would do it.

We need to start asking some serious questions about control and manipulation of the water and food supply. Altucher’s column — as dark as it may seem — says a lot about vested interests who have reason to want to see environmental deterioration continue.

It also underscores that our best investment is to pull our money out of a system that creates incentives for control and degradation of our food supply and health and shift it to farm land, wells and the farmers and food networks we need to sustain a healthy food supply for ourselves and our families.

For a list of companies and funds to delete from your portfolios, see:

Profit From the Plight of the Honeybees