The Entrapment Machine


“All government money comes with a sock in the jaw.”
~ Franklin Sanders

By Catherine Austin Fitts

While I was at the gym this weekend – a rare occasion when I watch television – Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) was describing why the US should reform its university educational system to mandate free tuition, a system which the Scandinavian countries employ.

This sounds like a great idea. However, a federal mandate would permit the US government to control curriculum at state universities. This would create huge and hideous opportunities for software companies and private investors, such as we are now seeing in grades K-12. Our state universities would eventually be destroyed.

Which brings me to a favorite expression of my colleague, Franklin Sanders: “All government money comes with a sock in the jaw.”

Government money is often an entrapment device through which the recipients hand over control to people who run things behind the scenes. These people have a demonstrable record of acting above the law and managing the centralization of our economy in a way which is antithetical to ethics, to economics and to life.

Federal funds are not part of the virtuous cycle between customers and producers which makes market economies so powerful. In a market economy, it is the relationship between customers and producers which unleashes the group intelligence.

All new laws are a contract between the people and invisible forces who do not obey the laws now and who clearly have no intention of obeying them in the future. So, what is the point of contemplating new laws?

Here comes the 2016 Presidential campaign flow of reforms. Criminal justice reform? Free college tuition? A Constitutional Convention? Think these are good ideas?

Think again.

I have listened to decades of reforms, solutions, alternative products and models. It never ends.

The flow of these so-called “solutions” reflects a society in a state of profound disassociation. Most of this stuff is a form of avoidance. It often comes from people who don’t understand our situation or are too afraid to ask the question, WHO is really running things?

We are governed by a group of people who have the power to kill with impunity and who do not obey the rules. Why would anyone think that changing the rules would help???

If you want real solutions, it’s time to figure out WHO is really running things and WHY are they behaving in the manner in which they are behaving. This information will allow us to determine HOW to shift into a society which functions according to the rules…even if that means removing the people who refuse to do so from positions of power.

Beware an endless series of proposals flowing from the mouths of US presidential candidates. Most of these proposals, if adopted, would simply advance the interests of the government-money entrapment machine which is ultimately operated and controlled by WHOEVER really runs things.

When you were young, your mother told you not to talk to or get into cars with strangers. That was good advice.

Follow it! Stop supporting the creation of new legal and contractual agreements with strangers who exist behind a wall of secrecy and who don’t keep their agreements.