[CAF Note: This is big. Koskinen is the guy who gets sent in to clean up and manage serious liabilities. In covert operations, a “cleaner” is a person who destroys or removes any incriminating evidence at the scene of a crime. They may also be an assassin, as murder might be required to “clean” up a situation or they be the individual who disposes of a corpse after a hit. Now that the Treasury and the Fed have bought up all the financial coup fraudulent securities and shredded them, there is still incriminating data at the IRS, including in the Criminal Investigation Divisions databases of currency transaction reports. Looks like Koskinen will fix that. But he will have much to do with the next round of financial controls. IRS will be a critical player in leading the targeting of the global tax havens.]
By Alistair M. Nevius, J.D.
The White House announced on Thursday that President Barack Obama will nominate John Koskinen as the new IRS commissioner.
In a statement, the president said, “John is an expert at turning around institutions in need of reform.” He added, “I am confident that John will do whatever it takes to restore the public’s trust in the agency.”
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