Thursday, 11 March 2004, 1:46 pm
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
A Request for Prayers During Litigation, March & April 2004
by Catherine Austin Fitts
Lord, thank you for helping us remember the power of our pennies when we unify around Your purpose for our lives. Lord, thank You for helping Catherine and her attorneys as they go to trial. Help them receive the monies stolen from investment in our communities. Lord, let Your heart be in our hearts. Let the flow of our pennies grow into a mighty river that cleanses and heals billions.
If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? And where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of…? And the Lord looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee? And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel? Behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house. And the Lord said unto him, Surely I will be with thee…
— The Story of Gideon, Judges 6:13-16
(which teaches that a small group of people united in divine love have the power to run out the bad guys. Indeed, when Gideon and his army of 300 came down the sides of the mountain with lanterns and pitchers, the large army of Midianites sleeping in the valley were so suspicious and distrustful of each other that they jumped up confused in the night and killed each other – CAF)
Thank you Lord for all you do:
–Your love, protection, and guidance.
–The support of family, friends, and colleagues.
–The kindness and community of neighbors and church.
–The wisdom and work of our lawyers and legal staff.
–The integrity of so many in the courts, media, government, business and creditors.
–The decency of so many former employees, shareholders and subcontractors.
–The courage of people who choose to do the right thing despite the risks to themselves and those around them.
–The prayers, donations and integrity of members of the Solari Action Network in countries around the world.
You bless us continuously and we are deeply grateful.
I left Hickory Valley on March 2, 2004, to go to Washington to prepare for three trials: two of which resume on March 29th in Federal District Court (Ervin & Associates qui tam on behalf of the U.S. Government vs. Hamilton; Hamilton vs. Ervin & Associates) and one in the Court of Claims (Hamilton vs. HUD) on April 14-23. I am working to get the money stolen from Hamilton returned.
Lord, help my attorneys and me do an excellent job of preparation, testimony and trial.
May these trials in Washington be pleasing to You. I pray that the truth of why Hamilton and I were targeted is revealed. I ask that the law is upheld and Hamilton’s monies returned. I ask that you be with my attorneys, the people who have helped, with myself and all concerned. Let our hearts be in your heart throughout the days of preparation and trial. I pray that all the people who have helped me are paid in full for all their hard work.
Lord, our communities and our cultures are being destroyed by our financial and political leaders and our participation and complicity with them. Lord – forgive us. We are destroying our spiritual and material wealth—the inheritance of our children and grandchildren—and all living things.
Our financial system supports our military-industrial complex in undermining the life that provides for our real wealth. Assets are being stolen from hard working people by political pork, cooked books, narcotics trafficking, financial fraud, unsound currency and war profiteering. These are not the actions of truthful government and financial institutions. This is not privatization, it’s piratization. Our anger has grown and consumed us, and is affecting everyone and everything around us.
We have tried to adapt by ignoring what is going on in our communities and markets and focusing on only that which we can control quietly by ourselves. Lord, forgive us for forgetting that through You all things are possible. Please help us to unify and communicate safely through our prayers and meditations for what is truly worthy in our lives.
We pray and meditate in faith that Your will shall be done. We also pray and meditate so that our day to day decisions and struggles will be done for the healing of ourselves and of all mankind.
We pray that we’ll no longer adjust to their way, but help us both to adjust to Yours. We choose not to tolerate and profit from fraud. We will not tolerate and profit from the sacrifice of our children and grandchildren. We will no longer let them have the advantage over our honest businesses worldwide; and will no longer let them destroy our honest government and military officials. We seek to grow independent of debt and subsidies financed with the profits of coercion and killing.
$59 billion dollars are missing from HUD. These resources are Your resources. They are important to our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren. We need to get our stolen money back.
We pray that You give us the means and the way to patronize honest businesses and use honest banks and banking methods. Help us understand that we may vote every year in the polls, but we vote everyday in the marketplace and that vote is very powerful. Help us to remember that a billion dollars is made up of pennies and that pennies can shift billions when they act in harmony with Your will.
We want to ween ourselves off credit cards and turn off media that fails to tell us what we need to know to protect ourselves. We hope to learn which banks and investors really pull the strings in our government and our companies so that we can stop supporting them with our time and money if they are not serving Your purposes. We want to know who is using dirty tricks in government so that we can withdraw them from our administration and associations.
We reject war for profit. We choose to create wealth in a powerful way in a world where there is enough for all. We will not let others diminish what You intend to be abundant and full.
We thank you for the power of prayer, meditations, time, associations, and money to transform our situation. Help us to do this so everyone reaps the rewards. Help us to find the pathways that please You. Help us to understand that You want the wealth to shift to the stewardship of those who do Your will.
Lord, our freedom, intelligence, and blessings come to us through You. Where the laws of man fail, we depend on Your laws and Your covenant of grace. All of creation is available as our ally (birds, trees, oceans and all living intelligence) when we come into alignment through You.
Your purpose for Solari and my life is to help transform our economy so that life and wealth give us energy. My work is to illuminate the way that our money is being stolen; to restore the flow of money and wealth in our communities.
Help us to face the criminality in our financial system – and it’s dependency on the authority and power of the U.S. Federal credit. So long as criminal enterprise can finance global operations with U.S. Currency and U.S. Treasury and mortgage agency debt and defy all laws of accounting and disclosure to cook its books and to avoid any and all accountability, it can and will grow.
Help us to understand that the U.S. Governmental financial apparatus is at the heart of growing war and ending peace on earth in a manner that is highly centralized and calls out for your healing. Changing presidents will not stop what is happening. Only throwing the money changers out of our temple and reengingeering the money will transform what is happening.
Help us to stop the U.S. Treasury and NY Federal Reserve from feeding a money cancer of debt, money laundering, and market manipulations. Help us to transform our finances so that our resources can flow freely. Help us to build a financial system which creates health and wealth in our neighborhoods, among our scientists, engineers and inventors, our teachers and schools and our entrepreneurs and companies.
These litigations are not just about something long ago, but about reengineering the money now. It’s about risks that any Solari or Solari Circle must manage. It’s about whether or not the citizens and entreprenuers in a community have the right to the harvest of their hard earned economic growth and to a timely rule of law.
So long as our taxes are used to finance operations that are intentionally harmful to us, there is less hope. Help us to transform these cash flows safely and effectively. Help us to understand that if each neighborhood transforms their local community and connects from place to place, that we can be a mighty cleansing river. We have many fine allies in the business and investment community and throughout government who will join us as we lead.
Help us to find the family and friends in our communities that we can trust to form divine circles to invite You into our lives to find solutions that give us health, jobs and energy today and everyday and ensure that we are safe and in the right relationship with You. Help us to be financial angels for our places that attract Your divine angels to help us heal ourselves and our money.
Lord, as you guided our ancestors to manage and overcome great dangers and hard times and to invent new tools and new ways with little but their dreams and the sweat of their brow, remind us that we are made of the same miraculous stuff.
Give all those concerned, the insight and courage to call on Your love and intercession as we come together to face what needs doing. Remind us that in the destruction of the old, always there is the creation of the new.
Lord, help me and all of us to find our stolen money and return our lives and our resources to Your purposes.
Lord, arise, shine, for thy light has come.
23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul;
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou are with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.
*NOTE: *
This prayer originates from the Christian tradition. We invite you to read and transform the intent into words that speak to you in your own traditions.
The “prayer wall” at the Solari Action network invites you to share your adaptations of this prayer, prayers you have written and stories of praying together.
Solari Action Network Prayer Wall http://www.solariactionnetwork.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=50
There is a whole network of individuals working to bring financial clarity, transparency and truth to empower communities around the world to live in alignment with real community values, real financial integrity and the natural world. More information can be found about these efforts at http://www.solariactionnetwork.comand at http://www.solari.com.
Catherine Austin Fitts is the President of Solari, Inc.( http://www.solari.com), a founding member of UnAnsweredQuestions.org ( http://www.unansweredquestions.org) and member of the Advisory Board of Sanders Research Associates ( http://www.sandersresearch.com). Ms. Fitts is former Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner in Bush I and a former managing director and member of the board of directors of Dillon Read & Co. Inc. She is currently litigating with Ervin and Associates (acting on behalf of the US government) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development related to John Ervin’s efforts to stop responsible financial management in the US government mortgage insurance portfolios.
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Anti©opyright Catherine Austin Fitts 2004