Wednesday, 9 October 2002, 11:07 am
Column: Catherine Austin Fitts
Distracting You With Pocketbooks
While Your Pockets Are Picked
By Rick Ensminger and Catherine Austin Fitts
A member of the Solari Action Network sends me (Catherine Austin Fitts) an e-mail that he has received from John Stossel of ABC News. I forwarded it to Rick Ensminger, one of the leaders in the Solari Action Network who has tried to get the national media to cover the story of $3.3 trillion missing from the Department of Defense: Here is the message that I received and forwarded on to Rick:
—–Original Message—–
From: John Stossel [mailto:johnstossel@abc.go.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 6:18 PM
To: Stossel Letter
Subject: John Stossel’s “Give Me a Break” on This Friday’s 20/20
This Friday’s “Give Me a Break” is about an another accounting scandal.
The accounting at an institution is so lax, employees used investors’ money to buy engagement rings, Elvis photos, women’s lingerie, jewelry, escort services and breast implants.
The “investors” in this case are you, because the “company” is the Defense Department.
It happened because of the Defense Department’s policy of giving out credit cards to almost anyone.
The idea was to make government purchases more efficient, but an application form the government uses says if an employee would rather not have a credit check (if he or she has a horrendous credit record), that’s no problem. The employee can just check “Box B” and Bank of America is “not authorized” to check the person’s credit rating. The employee can still get a government credit card.
Don’t you wish your employer would let you do that?
Confronted about an employee who spent $400 of your money on a designer briefcase from Coach, the Navy’s Ernest Valdes said: “She probably made an honest mistake and happened to be at Nordstrom’s and purchased that bag. I think she’ll do better next time.”
Next time? Right. It’s not as if she was fired. Government rarely fires anybody. One Navy employee used her credit card to buy $12,000 in personal items. What happened to her? She was promoted!
The Defense Department has a history of financial woes. It cannot Account for more than $1 trillion — that’s nearly $4,000 for every American.
When private companies squander investors’ money, we insist there be consequences.
But in government, almost nothing ever changes.
Give me a break!
Please include your name and location when you write, so that I can quote you here or on the air. (If you don’t want us to use your name, tell us, and we won’t.) My e-mail address is stossel@abc.com
— For more on this and the all the latest news, go to http://abcnews.go.com/Sections/2020/index.html?cmp=EM1388
— You are currently subscribed as XXXX @yahoo.com. You received this mail because you subscribed via ABCNEWS.com. If you would like to stop receiving these mailings, log into our e-mail center at http://login.mailpref.go.com/unsubscribe to change your preferences.
On Friday, 10-04-02, I (Rick Ensminger) received an e-mail from Catherine that gave information on an ABC TV 20/20 program to be aired that night. It spoke of an “investigation” by ABC reporter John Stossel concerning a missing trillion dollars at the Department of Defense and an alleged credit card abuse. The email, which appeared to have originated from ABC, was inviting comments and gave an email address for responding.
I wrote ABC within a couple of hours, giving my views on where the missing money was going, that it was corporate plundering, not employee credit card abuse. I used not only the email address they gave but the one also shown for Mr. Stossel in the header. My response to ABC News was immediately bounced back as undeliverable. Both email addresses were rejected.
Here are the email addresses I used:
I notified Catherine right away that the email addresses appeared to be bogus.
Catherine wrote me and said she checked the ABC website and that the addresses were valid ABC News email addresses.
I re-sent my response and received the same rejection.
Apparently, ABC had decided to block out feedback unless it was from acceptable sources.
At my Uncle Blair’s funeral on Saturday, some family friends from Nashville confessed that they were horrified that Van Hilleary might be the next governor. I told them about the letter I had sent to Van Hilleary on why he had done nothing about $3.3 trillion missing from DOD. Van Hilleary has stonewalled and not replied.
On the way home to Hickory Valley, my cousin Jane tells me that Billy saw a program on credit card fraud at DOD on Friday. She said it was outrageous. That now she understands what I mean about DOD employees stealing trillions of dollars.
I was stunned. There are no two more decent, honest hardworking people than my cousin Jane and her husband Billy. I realized that Billy had watched the program that Rick and I had read about in the e-mail. My family had been given the impression that DOD employees going wild with credit cards and petty theft was responsible for type of fraud that I had been writing and talking about. That was impossible.
What a slimy and clever trick for the corporate media to pull. Was this laying the ground word for firing more honest government civil service and turning the work over to the banks and corporations who have been doing all the stealing?
Indeed, DOD just hired AMS, widely attributed with the $59 billion plus missing from HUD along with Lockheed and DynCorp, to help clean up its systems. Can you imagine?
This was not good. And I was hearing from Rick that his messages about the $3.3 trillion were not getting through.
For more on the $3.3 trillion and Congressman Van Hilleary’s “walk like a duck” on financial responsibility and accountability, see:
Real Deal: Saving Tennessee (June 2002)
Real Deal: Saving Tennessee – The Cartoon Series
Well, Jane and I were picking up her grandkids to go to the Tennessee Junior Rodeo to see her brother George’s grandkids compete at the Bolivar County Fair Grounds. National and global events were just not so important or as fun as we had Saturday night. Jane’s mom and my uncle died this week. A night with her beautiful grandkids and seeing the family at the rodeo was terrific. After watching the kids race on horseback to lasso calves, we took off down Highway 64 for dinner at Smokehouse Barbecue. Some of our neighbors just bought it and redid it. We wanted to see them and wish them well. Dinner was great — the blackened catfish, just superb. Patsy and Vaughn came out of the kitchen to say hi.
I got home and saw a message from Rick. I decided that Stossel’s tricking and misleading my family (Whose money is being pick pocketed by corporations and governments alike while Stossel is distracting them with Louis Vuitton pocket ware) was not something I was going to let stand. My family has enough challenges holding this community up. They deserve media that tells them the real deal so they can protect their families and their money.
So I sent out the following report to the Solari Action Network with a link to the article and a copy of the article:
—–Original Message—–
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:catherine@solari.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 12:24 AM
To: Solari Action Network
Subject: ABC News — Junk Media
If you love freedom and want to do something to support it that is safe and easy, turn off ABC — never watch them again. Persuade your family and friends to do the same.
After four years of not warning you that over $3.3 trillion is missing at federal agencies and 85% of your tax dollars go to agencies that do not comply with federal laws requiring proper financial management, John Stossel and ABC just tried to pawn off the missing money on small time credit card abuse by government employees. (See story below)
If you want to know where your money has disappeared to, look to the large banks and large corporations….the kind with the same controlling investors as ABC and the other national media.
To understand more about “the real deal” go to Scoop Media, Sanders Research, LeMetropole Cafe, From the Wilderness or read Kelly O’Meara and Al Martin. Conspiracy Planet has published the Inspector General Reports documenting trillions of dollars missing. Notice ABC, CBS et al’s complete silence? Or go to the POGO website and read the list of criminal indictments brought against the largest contractors at DOD, such as Lockheed Martin’s criminal indictments for illegally given secret technology to China. Ever hear about that on ABC?
If you want decent government, step one is to build a solari databank in your neighborhood and use the information to protect your tax dollars. What you will find is that private big corporations and banks are stealing you blind — and watching ABC News is a complete and utter waste of your time. This is just the kind of story that is used time and time again to justify laying off more government workers to bring in more corporations like Lockheed Martin and DynCorp in the name of “efficiency”.
Fire the honest government workers, hire the crooks.
If you look at ABC’s ultimate investors, you will discover how much money they make by having their private companies control the federal accounting and payments systems. Privatization has become a buzzword that stands for stealing public resources at ten cents on the dollar. ======================
(NOTE: This URL appears to work sometimes, and sometimes not…. To avoid confusion the article is reproduced in full below.)
From: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/2020/DailyNews/stossel_gmab_creditcards021004.html
John Stossel says, “Give Me a Break” to Pentagon employees running up astronomical credit card bills. (ABCNEWS.com) Charge It!
Defense Dept. Can’t Keep Credit Card Spending in Check
Commentary By John Stossel
Oct. 4 — The Enron, Worldcom, Tyco and other big business accounting scandals have cost investors billions, so can you imagine a company that can’t account for not billions — but for more than a trillion — dollars?
• Stossel: Credit Abuse at Taxpayer Expense
The company in this case was not actually a company; it was your government. So the money being spent was your tax dollars. The accounting is so lax, defense department employees used your tax dollars — maybe millions of the more than a trillion that the department can’t account for — to buy things like engagement rings, clothing, groceries, even Elvis photos from Graceland, according to Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa.
Other fraudulent purchases included computers, digital cameras, women’s lingerie and jewelry and escort services in New Jersey, according to Gregory Kutz, the director of financial management and assurance at the General Accounting Office.
These spending sprees happened because the Defense Department’s policy of giving out credit cards to … almost anybody.
The department’s idea was to make buying supplies more efficient. However, one credit application that the government uses, allows even people with bad credit ratings to get credit cards. An employee with a horrendous credit record can just check “Box B” on the form, and Bank of America is “not authorized” to check their credit rating. The employee can still get a government credit card.
From Louis Vuitton to Breast Implants
Don’t you wish your employer would let you do that? Then you could buy things like Louis Vuitton bags, Lego robots, $300 headsets, and rooms at Bally’s casino. One Pentagon employee used his card to buy his girlfriend breast implants. He at least paid the money back, but employees who bought laptops, Palm Pilots and digital cameras didn’t. The Navy can’t even figure out where many of those items went.
“Over 99.99 — well, 99.98 — percent of our purchases are for legitimate government use,” said Captain Ernest L. Valdes, who defended the Navy’s record at a congressional hearing.
When Rep. Steve Horn, R-Calif., cited an example of a woman who bought a $400 Coach briefcase with her government credit card, Valdes said the woman who made that purchase was a good employee. “She probably made an honest mistake and happened to be at Nordstrom’s and purchased that bag. I think she’ll do better next time,” he said.
Next time? Right. It’s not as if she was fired. The government rarely fires anybody. Many employees who misused their cards weren’t even reprimanded. One Navy employee used her credit card to buy a stove, groceries, and $12,000 in personal items. What happened to her? She was promoted!
Deirdre Lee, a Defense Department procurement officer, assured Rep. Horn in the hearing that the department would “investigate the appropriate circumstances and take the appropriate action.”
That would be comforting — except that they’ve held two more hearings and the shopping sprees continue.
At the last hearing, Sandra Peck, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management and Comptroller, said, “I’ve been in this position for eight months and I’ve just now come to understand the scope of this. … Give me six months, and let’s see what we can do about this.”
$4,000 Lost for Every American
I’m not hopeful that they’ll do much about it, given that at least one Congressman, Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., wants to double the purchase limit on some government credit cards.
“Allowing your purchasers to go out and get the government the best deal, at the end of the day, will save the government far more money, and we can do a better job of cutting down on abuse as well,” Davis said.
I asked him whether they should first fix the credit card fraud problem before increasing the purchase limits.
“We spend a lot of time and effort in government making sure that people can’t steal money. And we’re usually pretty successful at that,” he said.
“Usually. But not in this particular case,” Davis acknowledged.
Is this a “particular” case? These credit card purchases are just the latest in a long line of examples of the Pentagon’s poor money management. A 2000 audit found the Defense Department couldn’t account for more than a trillion dollars. That’s equal to losing $4,000 for every single American.
When private corporations squander investors’ money, we insist that they face consequences.
But, when it comes to the government, almost nothing ever changes.
Rep. Janice Schakowsky, D-Ill., says, “DOD [Department of Defense] management is not just bad, it’s atrocious.”
And we should INCREASE their credit card limits? Give me a break!
All Sunday during the day and evening, I got various comments back from members of the Solari Action Network. I was surprised – and delighted – to hear how many no longer pay any attention to the corporate networks and news. We are getting smarter about understanding how untrustworthy such news has become and how guilty corporate news is of omission.
There is no better publisher and editor in the real deal media today then Alastair Thompson of Scoop Media. I got a note from Alastair advising that I should provide feedback to ABC and John Stossel. I explained the problem that Rick had with bouncing email. Meantime, Pete, another leader in the Solari Action Network in trying to get corporate media to cover the missing money issue, said that he had sent an e-mail to John Stossel and it had not bounced back.
So, I went to the ABC website and tried. Sure enough, it bounced back.
I then consulted by e-mail with Alastair and Rick.
I (Rick) tried resending a new note but my e-mail to ABC/Stossel bounced back. I forwarded a copy to Catherine and Alastair:
> — System Administrator
> From: System Administrator
> To: aristos3@yahoo.com
> Subject: Undeliverable: DOD Accounting Scandal on 20/20
> Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 14:22:39 -0700
> Your message
> To: johnstossel@abc.go.com
> Cc: stossel@abc.com
> Subject: DOD Accounting Scandal on 20/20
> Sent: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 14:20:25 -0700
> did not reach the following recipient(s):
> johnstossel@mailprod0.starwave.com on Sun, 6 Oct 2002 14:16:33
> -0700
> The recipient name is not recognized
> The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a=
> ;p=INFOSEEK;l=MAILPROD002100621164GQ7MJH7
> Recipient
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> From: Rick
> To: johnstossel@abc.go.com
> CC: stossel@abc.com
> Subject: DOD Accounting Scandal on 20/20
> Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 14:20:25 -0700
> Mr. Stossel:
> It’s good that you are bringing attention to the credit card
> abuse and missing money at the Department of Defense.
> Have you read Kelly O’Meara’s excellent article on the DOD?
> You mentioned one trillion missing at the DOD(which was
> fiscal 2000) but did you know that the DOD came up 2.3
> TRILLION dollars short in fiscal 1999? The GAO confirms this. Rumsfield
> confirms it. In fact, at Secretary of Defense Donald
> Rumsfeld’s confirmation hearing in January 2001, Sen. Robert Byrd
> wondered aloud, “How can we seriously consider a $50 billion
> dollar increase in the Defense Department’s budget when the
> DoD’s own auditors cannot account for $2.3 trillion in
> transactions?”
> This is more money than the IRS collects in an entire tax
> year. This is not a mere bookkeeping error. This is money
> stolen or as the GAO calls it “undocumented adjustments.” If it is
> not being stolen then why can’t the GAO or the DOD tell you where
> it is? They’ve had plenty of time to unravel it all.
> Maybe we can guess who is stealing it if we look at who is
> contracted to do the Information Technology(IT) at the DOD. I
> believe it is Dyncorp. And guess who is Dyncorp’s auditor of
> record? None other than Authur Andersen, or, as they now call
> themself, Accenture.
> And there’s one more big Enron connection with Dyncorp.
> Herbert “Pug” Winokur is a Director at Dyncorp and….he was
> also on the board at Enron and chaired Enron’s Finance
> Committee, which approved the creation of more than 3000
> offshore limited partnerships and subsidiaries.
> And that’s not all. Winokur was a member of the Harvard
> Corporation and a Director of Harvard Management Corporation
> which handles the investments of the Harvard Endowment Fund.
> Did you know that Harvard Endowment made an estimated $50
> million dollars from the Enron collapse via their investment
> fund manager, Highfields Capital, who sold short several
> millions shares of Enron stock? Wonder where they got that
> hot tip?
> ry.pdf
> Who’s the common thread running thru all this? From the DOD,
> to Enron to Harvard? Wherever Mr. Winokur is vast sums of
> money
> either disappear or arrive suspiciously.
> Want an excellent reading on the connection between Winokur,
> Enron and the missing money at the DOD? See “Stealing Enron”
> by Catherine Fitts:
> http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0206/S00015.htm
> Rick Ensminger
> Apple Valley, Mn.
> __________________________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Faith Hill – Exclusive Performances, Videos & More
> http://faith.yahoo.com
Though this was getting a bit tiresome, I knew that Alastair had a point. I believe that communication is the key to civilization. So I decided to troll around ABC News’ website and sure enough there was a chat forum for readers who wanted to comment on the Stossel DOD fraud story.
It took a long time to sign up and then get all the material posted. I was able to post my e-mail that had bounced back (which included the Solari Action Network report recommending that ABC be boycotted) as well as –in three posts—my piece on the missing $3.3 trillion with a link to Scoop Media that included all the links to Kelly O’Meara’s stories on all the money missing from DOD and HUD.
I reported back to Rick and Alastair:
I signed up and posted the feedback on their bulletin board along with the background piece on the $3.3 trillion……
Rick…feel free to do the same…..
And so then Rick did the same. He posted on the ABC message board and gave his views concerning the trillions missing, and that there was a common link in all the missing money…. namely Dyncorp and “Pug” Winokur.
Our posts went up on Sunday evening. To the best of our knowledge the posts stayed up for several hours. I saw other posts, including one from a very well written DOD employee, that lead me to suspect that Rick and I were far from the only ABC watchers to understand how slimy Stossel’s piece was. The DOD poster indicated that the credit cards were set up so the user was personally liable and DOD was only billed for what employees submitted as vouchers. Personal charges came with personal liability and payment.
Another leader in the Solari Action Network calls me from Washington to tell me Jerry Falwell has been on national news TV saying that the prophet Mohammed was a terrorist and holding himself out as representing the Christian community in places like my home in Hickory Valley, Tennessee. I check with some other folks. Several have heard or seen the same as well. One got it from an e-mail from Falwell’s on line ministry.
Great. DOD and HUD and the federal government are stealing from my family. The same people who run these agencies, like Tom White (former Enron executive, now head of the Army), when they are not in government stealing tax money, take turns stealing our pension funds and retirement savings with pump and dump stock frauds.
Now, organized religion is trying to ensure that our children and grandchildren and nieces and nephews are drafted and killed. Last but not least, national news does not have time to warn us that DOD and HUD are stealing our tax money and social security trust funds. They do not have time to warn us that fraudsters are stealing our 401(k) s and pension funds. But they have plenty of airtime to ensure that Jerry Falwell gets our kids drafted and promotes war on innocent men, women and children on the opposite sides of the planet.
Lockheed Martin is the #1 federal contractor in Tennessee even though they have one of the highest records of criminal violations in the POGO database — including selling national security secret technology to China. DynCorp is being found complicit by the courts in white slave trafficking and they just keep getting more contracts. None of this, however, is considered worthy of illumination by John Stossel and ABC.
I find the websites for the Southern Baptists Convention and Jerry Falwell Ministries and send them e-mails asking for all publicly available financial disclosure.
I figure Lockheed’s lead investors, DynCorp’s lenders and the church’s major donors may have something in common —- and it would not surprise me if that something in common also connected somehow to ABC’s advertisers and investors. Perhaps ABC’s use of military satellites and the Lockheed satellite networks is relevant.
Cui Bono? Who benefits. Let’s just keep asking that question.
Although mired in trying to do my taxes, I check my e-mail. Guess what I find? A message from a member of the Solari Action Network board saying that the link to the ABC/Stossel site has been removed with no explanation. I check several times. The article and chat board are not accessible.
I touch base with Rick and Alastair.
Sometime today, Monday, the article and whole message board was removed with no explanation. Seems ABC could take some counseling from the great Free Republic forum here. At Free Republic they yanked Catherine’s article on “Stealing Enron” within 15 minutes. And then bounced me from posting. And then would not let Catherine on.
It took ABC NEWS a bit longer to censor her armor piercing truths. ABC is a technically challenged corporation.
Alastair suggests we write an article for The Real Deal Column on Scoop. Rick agrees to draft the first draft. I agree to add my pieces. I will not include the many stories of national media funny business that I have personally experienced over the last ten years.
Uri Dowbenko from Conspiracy Planet calls. He has published the Inspector General Reports from HUD and DOD documenting some of the $3.3 trillion missing as well as numerous other articles about the missing money. Funny that ABC news is silent, but annual financial statement failures from DOD are posted in the original at Conspiracy Planet. What does that tell you?
Actually what it tells you is a lot. When I visited Uri in Montana two years ago, I watched his web log in real time. All the top corporations, banks and Wall Street money managers were watching his site, http:// http://www.almartinraw.com. That is when I realized that ABC is for the patsy only.
Their lead investors and banks need to know the real deal so they can keep making money and avoid being the patsy. Hence, they are going to Scoop Media, Sanders Research, LeMetropoleCafe, Conspiracy Planet, From the Wilderness, NoMoreFakeNews.com, Flashpoints, Black Op Radio, Progressive Review and so forth. (Join the Solari Action Network and ask for the list of our recommended real deal media)
Uri says he just published one of Scoop Media’s latest pieces. It was a piece that Salon censored about Tom White cooking the books at Enron before he went to run the Army. Mike Ruppert calls. He wants me to see the piece from London on the German bank problems.
It’s funny. Folks are always amazed how I am so well versed on what is going on. I don’t own a TV. I subscribe to no corporate newspapers or magazines. I tell them I have a network of people who read real deal news.
It’s out there. If you plug into it, life just keeps getting better and better. So turn off ABC and sell their stock if you have any. Connect with real deal media. Your time, your money, and your health are too important not to make the switch today.
Tom Flocco calls in late tonight to tell me of problems he is having with his site being hacked. I told him about my message from a leading radio talk show host today saying they were having the same problem. I had put her in touch with the real deal media that I work with that has dealt with the most Cointelpro-type harassment. In pops a note from Pete. He says the Stossel piece and the chat forum are up on ABC. Why do I think there is a problem? Sure enough, the links work now. They just did not work for the period that most Solari Action Network members would have tried them.
Is ABC technically or substantively unreliable? This is another unanswered question. However, I am never one to pass over an opportunity to communicate and illuminate. Hence, I post another message on the ABC Chat board that lists all of the links to Kelly O’Meara’s stories on the $3.3 trillion of money missing from DOD and HUD and other government contracting fraud. If John Stossel thinks that Louis Vuitton bags and breast implants are an eye catcher, the real deal is that DynCorp employees buying and selling children for sex with taxpayer funded salaries and making porno videos of their sex with children is generally more of eye-popper:
Sex Slaves, DynCorp & Other DOD/US Fraud
The Kelly O’Meara “Missing Money” Series:
DynCorp Disgrace, by Kelly O’Meara (February 2002)
The Last Word: DynCorp Still Taking the Moral Low Ground, by Kelly O’Meara (August 2002)
Why is $59 Billion Missing from HUD? by Kelly O’Meara (November 2000):
Cuomo leaves HUD in Shambles, by Kelly O’Meara (March 2001)
Inside HUD’s Financial Fiasco, by Kelly O’Meara (June 2001)
A Financial Fiasco is in the Making, by Kelly O’Meara (July 2001)
Rumsfeld Inherits Financial Mess, by Kelly O’Meara (September 2001)
Total Lack of Trust, by Kelly O’Meara (September 2001)
Wasted Riches, by Kelly O’Meara (October 2001)
All That Glitters Is Not Gold, by Kelly O’Meara (March 2002)
What Does It Take to Lose a Contract?, by Kelly O’Meara (March 2002) http://www.insightmag.com/main.cfm/include/detail/storyid/189894.html
Looting Russia’s Free Market, by Kelly Patricia O’Meara (August 2002)
I check into the ABC forum. There is a posting that wants to know the background of the Solari Action Network. I e-mail Catherine and forward a link. Funny that no one seemed interested in the looting of the Social Security fund that I talked about in my post on the ABC forum. I sure wish we had some way to verify that 3.5 trillion in unserviced, unacknowledged treasury bonds sitting in the Social Security trust fund that Al Martin claims exist. That is a helluva story. (For more on HUD, Social Security and other government and Bush family fraud, see: http://www.almartinraw.com)
After getting my coffee, I read my e-mail from Rick. I use the link to post a response to the request for credentials. The poster who asked the question recommends KPFA radio, so you know that is a person who is worth my time. Dennis Bernstein, Caroline Casey and Amy Goodman of KPFA radio are true stars of the real deal media.
Author: CatherineAustin (Read all messages by this author)
Author status: Preferred | Neutral | Ignored
Credentials for Solari Action Network 9:05AM PDT, Oct 8, 2002
The Solari Action Network was started by me, Catherine Austin Fitts.
I am a former Assistant Secretary of Housing in the First Bush Administration, a former partner and member of the Board of Directors of Dillon Read & Co, and now President of Solari. For a full bio, see:
For the story of what I have learned about how money really works on Wall Street and Washington,
Narco Dollars for Beginners:
The Myth of the Rule of Law:
The other member of the Solari Action Network who has been posting to this forum is one of the leaders in trying to get national media to illuminate “cooked books” by the federal government.
We have been without success.
Please feel free to e-mail any questions you may have and I will try to ensure that you get whatever references or links are useful.
Catherine Austin Fitts
PO Box 157
Hickory Valley, TN 38042
I hope our efforts are fruitful. It’s still sad for me to see how many people continue to support the very media that has helped to destroy our country and our culture. But this is not just about politics. It is about excellence. John Stossel’s garbage is not just garbage – it is lacking in excellence.
My grandfather used to pound Keats into me “Truth is Beauty, Beauty Truth, That’s all ye know in life, And all ye need to know.” Scoop has fabulous weather maps and sends me revelations on divine questions and promotes UnAnsweredQuestions search for the right questions. It responds to the part of me that hungers for truth and beauty.
The real deal is who would you rather get caught in a snowstorm with — John Stossel or Alastair Thompson?
Scoop cleans up poop every day.
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