The Refugee Migration


“My record label always says you shouldn’t talk about money because it makes people extremely uncomfortable. Refugees can’t talk about money. Rappers can talk about money; refugees can’t talk about money.”
~ M.I.A.

by Catherine Austin Fitts

I am sitting in the Dublin, Ireland airport watching news clip after news clip of refuges arriving in Europe.  If you look at the process, I keep wondering who is paying for the cost of transportation. I have a hard time believing that this is an organic process funded entirely by the refuges themselves.

Let’s look at the German population. In 2014, the median age was 45.9 years. Within the G-7, only Japan’s median age was higher at 46.2 years. So, now Germany is taking in an enormous influx of predominately young, healthy men who have the get-up-and-go to make such a move.

Check out the statistics.

Let’s face it: this is how America has kept its median age down. In 2014, the US median age was at 37.6 years. That was before the flood of young people who poured in from Central and South America over the last year. I remember sitting in a meeting with a group of very wealthy New Yorkers in the early 1980’s as they were discussing how to kickstart the economy. One said, “let’s just import 1,000 young entrepreneurs from the Black Sea area.”

The way you deal with a debt problem is to pump up the assets. Lots of healthy young people whose education and upbringing your government did not have to fund will provide such a fix. If you look at the statistics available from Europe, it appears that approximately two-thirds of the arriving refugees are single males aged 18-36.

I just finished reading a history of the American slave trade. When slaves were sold on the East Coast to build out the cotton plantations in the early 1800’s, approximately 70% were single, young men aged 17-35. Remarkable coincidence.

Best of all, refugees are grateful for the opportunity. Your existing population, who was ready to throw you out, now needs you to deal with the flood of refugees.

Globally, we are sending the young and the strong to empire central.  But we have been doing so for centuries.