Top Picks ~ Week of December 3, 2007

Money & Markets

Top hedge Fund blow-up news and commentary

Britain’s Rate Cut Opens Gulf With European Central Bank
By Chris Giles & Ralph Atkins – Financial Times, London (6 Dec 2007)

Top CDO Classes May Lose 80 Percent, Barclays Says
By Jody Shenn – Bloomberg News (6 Dec 2007)

Centralization Continues – 60% of Mortgages go Through Two Washington GSEs
Press Release – Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (6 Dec 2007)

Home Relief
By Donald Jay Korn – Financial (2 Oct 2007)

E-Trade Will Send Trades to Investor
Bloomberg News (5 Dec 2007)

E-Trade Deal Implies Valuation for Subprime Mortgage Market of 11-27% of
Original Value

By Tim McLaughlin – Reuters (30 Nov 2007)

Forget the Green Technology — The Hot Money is in Guns
By Naomi Klein – The Guardian (30 Nov 2007)

Five-Year Mortgage Rate Freeze Looms
From Yahoo Finance (5 Dec 2007)

Florida Just First to Face National Run on the Bank
By Joe Mysak – Bloomberg News (4 Dec 2007)

FSA Issues Stark Warning on Mortgage Defaults
By Richard Blackden – London Telegraph (5 Dec 2007)

Fitch Warns of More Subprime-related Defaults
By Marine Cole – (3 Dec 2007)

See Mike Panzner’s book “Financial Armageddon: Protecting Your Future From Four ImpendingCatastrophes”
Thanks to “The Big Picture” for producing the graph (3 Dec 2007)

Bond Market Illiquidity Hits Eurozone
By Joanna Chung, et al – Financial Times, London (3 Dec 2007)

A Little More on the ARM Teaser Rate Freeze
Comon Sense Forecaster (4 Dec 2007)

Christmas Presents for New Orleans, From HUD
By Bill Quigley – Counterpunch (3 Dec 2007)

Interbank Loan Collapse Worse in Britain Than US
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (3 Dec 2007)

Fed Looks for New Ways to Pump More Money Into Banks
By Krishna Guha – Financial Times, London (2 Dec 2007)

Goldman Pushed and Shorted Mortgage Junk Simultaneously
By Ben Stein – New York Times (2 Dec 2007)

US Credit Crisis Adds to Gloom in Norway
By Mark Landler – New York Times (2 Dec 2007)

Precious Metals

Are You Positioned to Profit from the Next Gold Upleg?
By Jason Hamlin – Seeking Alpha Blog (5 Dec 2007)

Gold Derivatives – Options Galore!

Food & Health

Proposed Regulation on Leafy Greens
A post from Boggy Creek Farm in Austin, Texas

Feeding at the Trough – Industrial Livestock Firms Saved $35 billion From Low Feed Prices
By Elanor Starmer & Timothy A. Wise – Tufts University (3 Dec 2007)

Food Banks, In a Squeeze, Tighten Belts
By Katie Zezima – New York Times (26 Nov 2007)

Junk-Free Tops Mintels 2008 Food Trends
By Jess Halliday – Food (30 Nov 2007)

The Biology of . . . Addiction / The End of Craving
By Michael Abrams – Discovery Magazine (May 2003)

Helping the Shanks: Wal-Mart’s Health Care Leaves One Family Desperate
By David Nassar – The Huffington Post (27 Nov 2007)

US Department of Agriculture Plans to Irradiate ALL Raw Greens (3 Dec 2007)

Pig Out
By Nicolette Hahn Niman – New York Times (14 Mar 2007)


All Fired Up ~ A Stress-Free Zone

Zeitgeist, The Movie
Official Release – Google Video

Live on Less and Love It!
By Craig Idlebrook – Mother Earth News (Oct/Nov 2007)

New Gibson Guitar Uses Robotics Technology to Tune Itself
By Yuri Kageyama – Associated Press (4 Dec 2007)

Young Chimp Beats College Students
By Malcolm Ritter – AP-New York (3 Dec 2007)

Asia Faces “Unprecedented” Water Crisis
By Daryl Loo – Reuters (29 Nov 2007)



US to Destroy New Orleans Housing While Poor Sleep in Tents
By James S. Russell – Bloomberg News (6 Dec 2007)

Nestle Wants to Own Your Water: Time for Californians to Act
By Brian Stranko – California Progress Report (29 Nov 2007)

Making Cities Black & Poor: The Hidden Story
By Sam Smith – The Progressive Review (Jan 2000)

Seven Senior Republican Appointees Challenge Official Account of 9/11 – “Not Possible”, “a Whitewash”, “False”
By Alan Miller – (4 Dec 2007)

The Radiation Poisioning of America
By Amy Worthington – Global Research (9 Oct 2007)

Eastside Rail: We Just Don’t Get It
By Alfred Runte – Seattle Times (4 Dec 2007)

China to Evict 1.5M for Olympics
By Bradley S. Klapper – Associated Press (5 Dec 2007)

Many Americans Still Believe in Conspiracies
By Kevin Crowe & Guido H. Stempel III – ScrippsNews (23 Nov 2007)

Domestic Spying, Inc.
By Tim Shorrock – CorpWatch (27 Nov 2007)

Fear of Chavez is Fear of Democracy
By Greg Palast – Greg (3 Dec 2007)

Paulites Raid Virginia Republican Retreat, Capture Straw Poll
From the Associated Press (1 Dec 2007)