Top Picks ~ Week of January 21, 2008

Money & Markets

You Should Be Wary of This Market Rebound
By John Crudele – New York Post (24 Jan 2008)

US Slides Into Dangerous 1930s ‘Liquidity Trap’
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (25 Jan 2008)

GreenStockInvesting – Picking Winners in the Clean-Tech Boom

Selling Out Grandma
By Emily Udell – In These TImes (21 Jan 2008)

Stanford Endowment Soars, Congress Takes Notice
By Carrie Sturrock – San Francisco Chronicle (24 Jan 2008)

Startling Jump in California Foreclosures
By Carolyn Said – San Francisco Chronicle (23 Jann 2008)

New Zealand Well-Prepared For Global Slowdown
By Hon Dr. Michael Cullen – Minister of Finance (24 Jan 2008)

Stock Market Follies
By Chris Sanders – Sanders Research (23 Jan 2008)

Abu Dhabi Becomes Larggest Citigroup Shareholder With $7.5B Investment, Bailout Comes Amidst Subprime Mortgage Cirsis, Record-High Oil Prices
A Democracy Now Interview (29 Nov 2007

BernankeFed Cuts Interest Rate 3/4 of a Point
By Martin Crutsinger – AP Economics (22 Jan 2008)


Bank of England Under Pressure to Cut Rates as Global Markets Meltdown Sparks Recession Fear
From (22 Jan 2008)

Ambac Downgraded, Cities Seen at Risk
By Stephen Bernard & Leslie Wines – Associated Press (19 Jan 2008)

Shareholders Set for EUR1bn of Loss-Making German Bank
By Christine Seib – Times Online (22 Jan 2008)

Stocks Plummet in Germany, Hong Kong, India, Brazil in Rout
By Sarah Thompson – (22 Jan 2008)

Overseas Filipino Workers Told to Shun Dollars For Pesos
From the "Random Jottings" Column – The Manila Times (21 Jan 2008)

The Current Credit Crunch is More Than The Bursting of A ‘Bubble’
By D. Murali – The Hindu (16 Jan 2008)

Government’s Court Order Plan Will Allow People in Debt to Keep Their Creditors at Bay
By Grainne Gilmore – Times Online (17 Jan 2008)

Ambac Slumps on Plan to Raise Capital; CEO Leaves
By Allistair Barr & Greg morcroft – MarketWatch (16 Jan 2008)

Trading in Deal Stocks Triggers Look at Banks
By Mark Maremont – Associated Press (14 Jan 2008)

Predictions 2008: Gloom, Doom and Silver Linings
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (2 Jan 2008)

Moody’s Says Overspending Threatens U.S. Debt Rating
By Francesco Guerrera, et al – Financial Times, London (10 Jan 2008)


Precious Metals

Don’t Trust Gold and Silver ETFs To Have Any Metal
By Richard J. Greene – Thunder Capital Management (24 Jan 2008)

Sunken Treasure of Silver Now a Court Battle
Associated Press Article (24 Jann 2008)

Treasury’s Gold Auditor Doesn’t Know If Reserves Are Leased or Swapped
By Jerome R. Corsi – (25 Jan 2008)


Food & Health

Nursery Sources for Edible and Useful Plants
At Permaculture Activist

Seeds of Change ~ Organics

American Farmers Turn to Profitable Agritourism USDA Says
By Paul Icamina – (8 Jan 2008)
~ Agritourism: The Connecticut Example

USDA Seeks Public Comment on Genetically Engineered Alfalfa
By Rachel Iadicicco & Angela Harless – USDA (Jann 2008)

American Airlines WiFi Will Cost $10-$13 – Anti-Missle System Still Free
By Thomas Ricker – Engadget (23 Jan 2008)

Cell Phone Radiation Wrecks Your Sleep
By Geoffrey Lean – The Independent UK (20 Jan 2008)

Nestle Loses Sales as Alice Waters Bans Bottled Water
By Mary Jane Credeur & Thomas Mulier – (24 Jan 2008)

Embryonic Stem Cells Create Healthy Muscle in Mice
By Madeline Vann – ( 20 Jan 2008)

Action Alert: Funding School Gardens Via The 2007 Farm Bill
At (19 Dec 2007)

Transforming Communities Through Locally-Grown Food
By Carolyn Banker – Speaking Truth to Power (17 Jan 2008)

There’s No Inflation, But British Food Costs Are Soaring Anyway
By James Kirkup – London Telegraph (15 Jan 2008)

Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America



Rural Studio

Preserving Culture & Community As Well As We Do History
By Sam Smith – Progressive Review (Jan 2008)

America’s Got Talent (Chicago) – Terry Fator

‘Idol’ Ratings Down From Last Year
Associated Press (17 Jan 2008)

Golfweek Editor Out For Putting Noose on Cover
From Associated Press – MSNBC (18 Jan 2008)

EOL – Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Life


A collaborative design and build project that addresses issues of sustainable and afforadable design in the context of the ubiquitous American trailer park.



The Fight to Free the Charleston 5
By Suzan Erem & E. Paul Durrenberger – On The Global Waterfront

Russian Bombers to Test-Fire Missiles in Bay of Biscay
The Times Online (22 Jan 2008)

Pre-emptive Nuclear Strike a Key Option, Nato Told
By Ian Traynor – The Guardian (22 Jan 2008)

Bahrain: Testimony Regarding Currently Detained Human Rights Defenders
By Chris Michael – The Hub (Dec 2007)

Big Business is Even More Unpopular Than You Think
By Robert Weissman – (16 Jan 2008)

Museum Provides Detail From Nazi Archive
By Desmond Butler – Associated Press (18 Jan 2008)

Forced Loyalty Oath Locks Kucinich Out of Texas Primary
By Michael Collins – Scoop Independent News (19 Jan 2008)

FBI Denies File Exposing Nuclear Secrets Theft
By Chris Gourlay, et al – Times Online (20 Jan 2008)

By Howard Switzer – The Green Party

Sacramento, You’ve Never Been Better. See Ya!
By Mark Drolette – Sacramento Bee (6 Jan 2008)

US Plans ‘Robot Troops’ For Iraq
From the BBC News (23 Jan 2005)

Appeals Court Decision: Guantanamo Detainees Not "Persons"
By Greg Gordon – McClatchy Newspapers (11 Jan 2008)
