Top Picks ~ Week of January 7, 2008

Money & Markets

China is Quietly Revaluing its Currency
By Richard Spencer – London Telegraph (8 Jan 2008)

Baltimore is Suing Bank Over Foreclosure Crisis
By Gretchen Morgenson – New York Times (8 Jan 2008)

Lender Tells Judge It ‘Recreated’ Letters
By Gretchen Morgenson – New York Times (8 Jan 2008)

Spain and Italy Threaten EMU Stability
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (8 Jan 2008)

Deepcaster Letter Grasps the Market-Manipulating Purpose of Derivatives
By Chris Powell – GATA (6 Jan 2007)

Subprime Litigation May Dent D&O Insurers
By Allistair Barr – MarketWatch (3 Jan 2008)

Fed Increases Money Available at Auction to Aid Banks
By Martin Crutsinger – Yahoo News (4 Jan 2008)

Goldman and Morgan Expect Half-Point Rate Cut This Month
By Tamawa Kadoya & Pedro Nicolaci da Costa
– Reuters (4 Jan 2008)

Precious Metals

It’s ‘GATA Goes to Washington’ Thanks to Christian Landolt
"Anybody Seen Our Gold?" ~ The GATA Conference in Washington, DC in April, 2008

Gold is the New Global Currency, Financial Times Resentfully Admits
From the Financial Times of London (7 Jan 2008)

Flight to Gold as Investors Lose Faith in Money
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (6 Jan 2008)

Financial Times Notes Rising Demand, Falling Production for Gold
By Chris Powell – GATA (4 Jan 2008)

New York Sun Tries Pricing Real Estate in Gold
By Chris Powell – GATA (4 Jan 2008)

As Gold Price Soars, Production Falls and Central Banks are Less Eager to Sell
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (3 Jan 2008)

It’s Time to Play ‘Are You Smarter Than An FBI Agent?’
By Chris Powell – GATA (3 Jan 2008)


Food & Health

Bed-Stuy CSA – A Community Supported Agriculture Project

Big Pharma Spends More on Advertising Than Research And Development, Study Finds
An article at (7 Jan 2008)

California Government Official Lies About Raw Milk
A Press Release from Weston Price (4 Jan 2008)

Cloned Livestock Poised to Receive FDA Clearance
By Jane Zhang, et al – Wall Street Journal (4 Jan 2008)



India’s Tata Group to Launch World’s Cheapest Car
AFP (9 Jan 2008)

Meraki Gives Free Wi-Fi to San Francisco
By Jennifer LeClaire – Yahoo News (4 Jan 2008)

Space Junk Hazards: No Laughing Matter
By Richard Sammon – The Kiplinger Letter (3 Jan 2008)

The Traveler IQ Challenge
At TravelPod



Rasmussen Reports Announces Launch of
A "prediction market" allowing players to "buy and Sell" candidates, issues, and news features.

Creeping Fascism: History’s Lessons
By Ray McGovern – CounterPunch (28 Dec 2007)

Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955, pt 1
A YouTube Video

Paper Ballots Must Be Provided on Request (Ohio)
By Mark Niquette – The Columbus Dispatch (4 Jan 2008)

North American Union & VChip Truth
