Top Picks ~ Week of July 30, 2007

California 2007 Drought Photos

US Housing is Among ‘Biggest Bubbles,’ Rogers Says
By Chen Shiyin & Pimm Fox – (3 Aug 2007)

New York Green Fest 2007
Activists Share Sustainability Skills – August 10-12, 2007

Restaurants May Lift Prices as Costs Rise
Dow Jones Newswire (1 Aug 2007)

Follow the Money
National Institute on Money in State Politics

Too Big to Fail: Germany Rescues Subprime Lender
By Tim Bartz, et al – Financial Times, London (1 Aug 2007)

US Automakers Lose Majority of Domestic Market
By Tom Krisher – AP via Yahoo News (1 Aug 2007)

Bear Sued / AIG Losses
Reuters Business Briefs (2 Aug 2007)

Democrats Pass Hike in Child Health Plan
By Julie Hirschfeld David – (1 Aug 2007)

US Must Pay $101.7 Million to Men Framed by FBI (Jul 2007)

Going Blind Justice
The Smoking Gun (Jul 25, 2007)

Most Vote Machines Lose Test to Hackers
By John Wildermuth, San Francisco Chronicle (Jul 28, 2007)

New Evidence Clearly Indicates Pat Tillman Was Executed
By Paul Joseph Watson – Prison Planet (Jul 27, 2007)

Water Tables Falling and Rivers Running Dry
By Lester R. Brown – (Jul 24, 2007)

A Day in the Life of Oscar the Cat
By David M. Dosa – New England Journal of Medicine (Jul 26, 2007)

Britain’s Got Talent – Connie
YouTube (Jun 11, 2007)

Speaker Pelosi’s Farm Subsidy Llimit ‘Reforms’ Grant Loophole for Sales of Water Rights in California and Elsewhere
By Ken Cook – Mulch (Jul 25, 2007)