Top Picks ~ Week of July 9, 2007

BIS Warns of Great Depression Dangers From Credit Spree
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – (Jun 25, 2007)

Libby a Long-Time Mossad Agent
By Wayne Madsen – (Jul 5, 2007)

Gore Vidal Sounds Off on Solar Power Caper
An Interview – (Jul 6, 2007)

Much of US Favors Bush Impeachment: Poll (Jul 6, 2007)

Europe Set to Lift Ban on GM Crops
From TimesOnline (Jul 1, 2007)

Mazur: Deeper Into The Clintons’ CIA Drug Nexus
By Suzan Mazur – Scoop Independent News (Jul 8, 2007)

Open Letter to Purdue President France Cordova (Jul 6, 2007)

Germany Strives to Fend Off Flood of Hungry Dollar
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – The Telegraph, London (Jul 6, 2007)

Bank of Canada Study Proposed Eliminating Penny
By Tara Perkins – Glove & Mail, Toronto (Jul 3, 2007)

Johnson-Castro: Inside the Checkpoints
By Jay Johnson-Castro – RioGrande Guardian (Jul 7, 2007)
Villa Del Rio Bed & Breakfast Jay’s B&B in Del Rio, Texas

Where are the Shareholders’ Mansions?
By Crocker Liu & David Yermack (Mar 2007)

Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal
By Joel Salatin – Acres USA (Sep 1, 2003)

Daring Rescue of Whale Off Farallones
By Peter Fimrite – (Dec 14, 2005)

DePaul and the Vatican’s Long Leash – Norman Finkelstein and the Catholic Church
By Linda Brayer – counterpunch (Jul 3, 2007)

Pennsylvania Governor Orders Partial State Shutdown
By Marc Levy & Mark Scolforo – (Jul 8, 2007)

Bush Justice is a National Disgrace
By John S. Koppel – (Jul 5, 2007)

Lazard to Buy Middle Market M&A Adviser
By Joseph A. Giannone – (Jul 10, 2007)

Why Ogg Theora Matters for Internet TV
maketelevision Blog
Video announcements about Ogg Theora
Highest Quality (103mb) / BitTorrent
Medium Quality (53mb) / BitTorrent
Low Quality (8mb) / BitTorrent

Sarkozy’s Blitz Puts Paid to Pact on Policy
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – (Jul 10, 2007)

The End of Cheap Food
By Gwynne Dyer – Trinidad & Tobago Express (Jul 9, 2007)

Dollar Hits Euro Low as Credit Fears Widen
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – (Jul 12, 2007)

Time For The Truth About The Liberty
By Ward Boston, Jr. – (Jun 8, 2007)

Two Billion Mice Iinvade China Province (Jul 2007)

Global Gold 3
By Adam Hamilton – (Jul 9, 2007)

Penn. Gov. Orders Partial State Shutdown
By Marc Levy and Mark Scoloforo – AP / (Jul 8, 2007)

Gore Vidal Sounds Off on Solar Power Caper (Jul 6, 2007)

Europe Set to Lift Ban on GM Crops
Times Online (Jul 1, 2007)

Here’s Another Place Where They’ve Stopped Reporting the Money Supply:
Zimbabwe: Local Dollar An Endangered Species as Currency Crashes
From UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Jun 25, 2007)

Japan Adapts to Tuna Shortage: Waiter, There’s Deer in My Sushi
By Martin Fackler – New York Times (Jun 24, 2007)

The Bush Push to Militarize America
By Jerome Corsi – WorldNetDaily (Jun 5, 2007)

Daring Rescue of Whale Off Farallones
By Peter Fimrite – (Dec 14, 2005)

Gethuman 500 Database
Telephone Directory for Getting a Real Person on the Phone