Top Picks ~ Week of March 17, 2008

Money & Markets

Federal Agencies Running on Fumes
By Richard Sammon – The Kiplinger Letter (19 Mar 2008)

Don’t Worry About An Audit
By Kevin McCormally – (21 Mar 2008)

Southeast Asian Central Banks Meet About Dollar
By Muhamad al Azhari & Andreas Ismar – Reuters (21 Mar 2008)

Investment Banks Are Borrowing From Fed
By Dan Wilchens – Reuters (19 Mar 2008)

Fed’s ‘Extreme’ Intervention ‘Raises Some Real Questions’
The Wall Street Journal (18 Mar 2008)

Burlington Northern’s Freight Demand Slows On Dollar
By Angela Greiling Keane – (19 Mar 2008)

Hunt for £ 100m Rogue Trader After Attack On HBOS Share Price
By Robert Winnett & Philip Aldrick – London Telegraph (21 Mar 2008)

States’ Budget Crises Will Hurt Millions
By Aaron C. Davis – Associated Press (17 Mar 2008)

American Was Conned — Who Will Pay?
By Larry Elliot – The Guardian (17 Mar 2008)

Bailouts Better Than Returning to 1930s
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (19 Mar 2008)

Amsterdam’s Small Currency Shops Stop Taking Dollars
By Svebor Kranjc – Reuters (18 Mar 2008)

Whistleblower Exposes Insider Trading Program at JP Morgan
By Kevin Wilson, et al – (17 Mar 2008)
~ Click here to read the full memo.

Silent Fortress
By Carl Gutierrez – (18 Mar 2008)



Backstopping Bear, Morgan Saved the Shadowy Derivatives World
By Serena Ng & David Reilly – Wall Street Journal (19 Mar 2008)

Source: New York Pension Fund / Click the image to view previous blog post on this issue.

Debt Reckoning: U.S. Receives a Margin Call [Must subscribe to view full article]
By Liz Rappaport Justin Lahart – Wall Street Journal (15 Mar 2008)

Gross, SEC Fail to Break Auction-Rate Bond Paralysis
By Jeremy R. Cooke – (14 Mar 2008)

Goldman Sachs to Reveal $3bn Hit
By Mark Kleinman & Louis Armistead – London Telegraph (16 Mar 2008)

The Man and the Monkeys: A Wall Street Fable
By Chief Cynic – (15 Mar 2008)

Religious Investors Call for Boycott of GM Sugar
By Chris Jones – (5 Mar 2008)

Fed Creates Another Loan Fund For Investment Banks, Cuts Rate
By Jeannine Aversa – Associated Press (16 Mar 2008)

Here Comes The Worldwide Currency Debasement
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (17 Mar 2008)

Bear Turns Out To Be Worth Just A Fraction Of Its Office Building
By Andrew Ross Sorkin & Landon Thomas – New York Times (16 Mar 2008)

MZM Growing at Annualized Rate of 30.9%

MZM is an acronym for "Money Zero Maturity" ~ A measure of the liquid money supply within an economy. MZM represents all money in time deposits, plus all money market funds. From

Repurchase Agreements and Covert Nationalization of Banks
By Steve Randy Waldman – (8 Mar 2008)

Housing Group Challenges Fed’s Bear Stearns Deal
By Joanne Morrison – Reuters (16 Mar 2008)

Venezuela Reported Moving Some Oil Contracts to Euros
From Agence France-Press (15 Mar 2008)

President Convenes Plunge Protection Team on Monday
By James Vicini & Tim Ahmann – Reuters (15 Mar 2008)

In The US, Big Brother Monitors Your Every Financial Transaction
By Thomas Frank – USA Today (12 Mar 2008)

Hall of Fame – Billionaires
At (Updated every Monday)

Bear Stearns Exposed as a Bank Saddled With Toxic Sub-Prime Debt
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (16 Mar 2008)

JP Morgan Closes In On Buying Bear Stearns
Editing By Tim Dobbyn – Yahoo Finance (16 Mar 2008)

Morgan Races to Acquire Bear Before Asian Markets Open
By Dennis K. Berman, et al – Wall Street Journal (16 Mar 2008)

Paulson Defends Bear Bailout, Evades Issue of More Bailouts
By Jeannine Aversa – Associated Press (16 Mar 2008)

~ Updates on the Eliot Spitzer Story

Fannie Mae Reaches Agreement With new York Attorney General, OFHEO, Regarding Home Appraisals; Investigation Terminated
News Release – Fannie Mae (3 Mar 2008)

Pat Foye, New York Development Chief, Resigns
By Eliot Brown – The New York Observer (17 Mar 2008)
~ View previous blog posts on this issue: (1) (2)

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"Your authoritative source on stock market manipulation & Wall Street corruption."

Precious Metals

Gold Crashes As Investors Bail Out
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (21 Mar 2008)

Silver Shortage: 19 Dealers Reported "Sold Out"
By Jason Hommel – (20 Mar 2008)

China Can’t Save Metals Boom From US Slowdown
By Polly Yam & Nick Trevethan – Reuters (13 Mar 2008)

Credit Woes Hit New Mine Projects, Others Survive
By Eric Onstad – Reuters (14 Mar 2008)


Mortgage Market

HTFC Mortgage Company CEO Has a Potty Mouth
The (21 Mar 2008)

UBS Says to Publish Watdchdog Subprime Probe
Douwe Miedema – Reuters (14 Mar 2008)
~ Ethos Fund


No Small Plan: Public Boarding Schools for Chicago
From the Chicago Tribune (18 Mar 2008)

Growing Community – Photos: Tent City in Ontario, California




Showing Us Your Green – A Gallery of Green Lifestyles

We are All Shamans-in-Training
By Paul Levy – (Mar 2008)



Japanese MP Yukihisa Fujita Speaking at Oz 2008 911 Truth Conference

Shenon 9/11 Commission Exposé – Not the Last Word
By Kyle F. Hence – Scoop Independent News (21 Mar 2008)

New Video of BigDog Quadruped Robot Stunning – It’s Spooky
At (21 Mar 2008)

NASA Wary of Relying on Russia
By Marc Kaufman – Washington Post (7 Mar 2008)

U.S. Town Splits After Quenching Nestlé’s Thrist For Water
By Erica Gies – International Herald Tribune (19 Mar 2008)

Sequoia Warns Princeton Professors Over E-Voting Analysis
By Declan McCullagh – (18 Mar 2008)

Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Closely Watched Gun Case
From Associated Press (18 Mar 2008)

Supreme Court Inc.
By Jeffrey Rosen – New York Times (16 Mar 2008)

House Goes Behind Closed Doors To Debate Surveillance Bill
Web Produced By: Neil Relyea – (14 Mar 2008)
