Top Picks ~ Week of May 28, 2007

US Buy-out Groups in Record $82bn Bids [Sign in to read Full Article]
By Francesco Guerrera – Financial (May 28, 2007)

Feds Lost $1.3Trillion in 2006
Foundation for Economic Education (May 29, 2007)

Denial: The 51st State
By Paul Levy

Homework Sucks: The Case Against Homework
By Cory Doctorow – boingboing (May 27, 2007)

Rigged Markets
From (May 19, 2007)

Cliche Challenge – The Progressive Review
How various clicnes of our times are faring based on the number of references on Google over a three-month period

Fed Offers Explanation for $5billion Surge But Fails to Provide Documentation
By Ed Haas – muckraker report (May 28, 2007)

The Education of Cindy Sheehan
On (May 29, 2007)

The GERM, or, Commie Dollars [Register to view Full Article]
By Chris Sanders – Sanders Research (May 29, 2007)

Cindy Sheehan ‘Resigns’ as Protest Leader, Drained by Biting Criticism
By Angela K. Brown – Canadian Press (May 29, 2007)

Google is Watching You
By Robert Verkalk – The Independent (May 24, 2007)

Project Turquoise is Goldman’s Scheme to Put Markets in the Dark
By Norma Cohen & Anuz Gangahar – Financial Times, London – May 24, 2007

Life on Our Small Farm in New Zealand – Money and Politics: Illuminating the Connection

A World of Possible Financial Futures