Top Picks ~ Week of November 20, 2006

Derivates Market Grows by 25%
By Gillian Tett – Australian-FT Business (Nov 20, 2006)

Congressman: American Concentration Camps “On the Books”
By Steve Watson – (Nov 13, 2006)

Gartman Flees Argument with Veneroso on Gold Price Suppression
By cpowell – GATA Daily Dispatches (Nov 17, 2006)

Texas Straight Talk: The NAFTA Superhighway
From Rep. Ron Paul – (Oct 30, 2006)

Hard US Lessons, Harder Landings
By Max Fraad Wolff – Asia Times (Nov 21, 2006)

Young Borrowers Face a Life of Debt
By G. Pascal Zachary – AlterNet (Nov 18, 2006)

Home Sales Plummet in 38 States in 3Q
By Lauren Villagran – AP Business Writer (Nov 20, 2006)

How You May Have Kinda Saved $392.10
By John Crudele – NY Post (Nov 16, 2006)

CACI: Torture in Iraq, Intimidation at Home
By Joshua Holland – AlterNet (Nov 24, 2006)

China’s Deputy Bank Chief: Dollar is Going Lower
By Parmy Olson (Nov 24, 206)

Hedge Funds Overleveraged, Sprott Warns (Anyone can go down)
By Emily Mathieu – Financial Post (Nov 24, 2006)

A High-Profile Houston Win for ‘Invisible’ Janitors
By Lianne Hart – LA Times Staff Writer (Nov 21, 2006)

Krumpets With Medici Conspiracy’s Peter Watson
By Suzan Mazur – Scoop Independent News (Nov 20, 2006)

UAE May Make Decisive Shift in Dollar Reserves
By Haseeb Haider – Khaleej Times (Oct 31, 2006)

Central Bank of China’s Trillion Dollar High
Yahoo News – Asia Pulse (Nov 7, 2006)