Top Picks ~ Week of November 26, 2007

Money & Markets

E*Trade Gets Help From Citadel [Must subscribe to read full article.]
By Susanne Craig, et al – Wall Street Journal (29 Nov 2007)

China’s Hong Kong Pilot Stock Plan Will Proceed, Official Says
By Zhao Yidi & Luo Jun – Bloomberg News (29 Nov 2007)

Oil Surges After Enbridge Pipeline Blast Cuts Supply
By Grant Smith & Eduard Gismatullin – Bloomberg News (29 Nov 2007)

US Bank Earnings Plunge in Third Quarter [Must register to read full article.]
By Ben White – Financial Times (28 Nov 2007)

Rough Ride Ahead as Winnebago in Downturn
By David Litterick – London Telegraph (30 Nov 2007)

As Credit Dries Up in US, Concerns Mount About Recession
By Peter S. Goodman – International Herald Tribune (28 Nov 2007)

Fed, Treasury, FDIC Stymied by Lack of Data on Subprime Loans
By Craig Torres & Alison Vekshin – (29 Nov 2007)

ECB Rate Cut Please Grow as Euribor Goes Mad
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (30 Nov 2007)

Main Treasurer Criticizes Merrill for Subprime Bet
By Svea Herbst-Bayliss – Reuters (28 Nov 2007)

Florida Moves to Stop Run on Fund [Must register to read full article.]
By Stacy-Marie Ishmael, et al – Financial Times (30 Nov 2007)

The Treasury’s Missing Minutes Mystery
By John Crudele – New York Post (29 Nov 2007)

KfW Doubles IKB Cover to L5bn
By Ivar Simensen – Financial Times, Frankfurt (27 Nov 2007)

ACT NOW: US Energy Bill Continues to Hang in the Balance
Focus Renewable Energy (27 Nov 2007)

Why the Rich Get Richer: Welcome to Turbulent Times
By Robert Kiyosaki – Yahoo Finance (26 Nov 2007)

Shareholders Act Against Ratings Agencies
By Yvette Essen – London Telegraph (27 Nov 2007)

Kelda Agrees to Be Bought by Citigroup, HSBC Group
By Nicholas Larkin & Ambereen Choudhury – (26 Nov 2007)

HSBC May Need $12 Billion for Bad Debts, Goldman Says
By Ben Livesey – Bloomberg News (26 Nov 2007)

Abu Dhabi to Bolster Citigroup With $7.5 Billion Capital Infusion
By Robin Sidel – Wall Street Journal (27 Nov 2007)

You’ll Find Your Fortune Falling All Over Town . . .
By Ye Xie & Craig Torres – Bloomberg News (26 Nov 2007)

US Consumers Spent Average of 3.5% Less on Shopping
By Cotten Timberlake & Tiffany Kary – (25 Nov 2007)

Bank of International Settlements Reports Outstanding Derivatives at $516 Trillion
Bank for International Settments (Nov 2007)

‘Super SIV’ Fund Seen as Device for Ingratiating Banks With The Government
By David Mildenberg & Christopher Condon – Bloomberg News (26 Nov 2007)

Is Your Bank at Risk of Failure?
By Liz Moyer – ABC News (19 Nov 2007)

Dollar Displaces Yen, Swiss Franc as Favorite for Carry-Trade Funding
By Bo Nielsen – Bloomberg News (26 Nov 2007)

Room 1408: Check Out Time?
Wall Street Examiner Blog (23 Nov 2007)

Will Europe Impose Exchange Controls to Head Off Disaster?
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (23 Nov 2007)

Trichet Has Plenty of Helicopters Too
By Ralph Atkins, et al – Financial Times, London (23 Nov 2007)

Trillions of Dollars Wiped Out
The Daily Reckoning – UK Edition (27 Nov 2007)

Florida School Fund Rocked by $8 Billion Pullout
By David Evans – Bloomberg News (28 Nov 2007)

Precious Metals

Gold De-Hedging to Top 12.9 Million Oz in 2007
By Allan Seccombe – MiningMx (28 Nov 2007)

Food & Health

Biofuel and Diet Sow Seeds of Farm Crunch
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (26 Nov 2007)


YouTube Video Clip: Lion and the Woman Who Saved Him

Soul of the Garden – Daily Muse

Planet-saving Madness
By Christopher Booker – London Telegraph (27 Nov 2007)

Ray Charles & Jerry Lee Lewis
DailyMotion Videos



Kennedy’s Warning
Audio at Brasscheck TV

Update on The Violent Radicalization Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
By Matt Renner – Truthout (29 Nov 2007)

Politicians Without Borders
By Sam Smith – Undernews (29 Nov 2007)

Military Recruiting Vans Draw Fire
By Pat Elder – (26 Nov 2007)

Toxic West Virginia: Mountaintop Removal – Episode 1
YouTube (20 Feb 2007)

Australia’s new PM is Old Asia Hand
By Andrew Symon – AsiaTimes (27 Nov 2007)

Scott McClellan – Where Are The Headlines?
By Michael Collins – Scoop Independent News (26 Nov 2007)

Payload: Taking Aim at Corporate Bribery
By Nelson D. Schwartz & Lowell Bergman – New York Times (25 Nov 2007)

Megachurches Add Local Economy to Their Mission
By Michelle Bacher – New York Times (23 Nov 2007)

Get Data

Tapeworm Corporate

Aggregating Impact: A Funder’s Guide to Mission Investment Intermediaries
By Mark Kramer & Sarah Cooch – FSG Social Impact Advisors

How to Use Tom’s Inflation Calculator

American Indicators
