Top Picks ~ Week of October 22, 2007

Consumers Face Record Heating-Oil Bills
By Ana Campoy – Wall Street Journal (24 Oct 2007)

Russia To Control Food Prices [Register to View Full Article]
By Neil Buckley & Javier Blas – Financial Times (23 Oct 2007)

Supermarkets ‘Raise Food Bill By L750 a Year’
By Harry Wallop – London Telegraph (24 Oct 2007)

The Future is Drying Up
By Joe Gertner – New York Times (20 Oct 2007)

Commodities Advocate Rogers Dumping Dollars for Yuan
By Marcel van de Hoef & Danielle Rossingh – Bloomberg News (24 Oct 2007)

Iran Invasion Countdown
By Ken Welch – (Oct 2007)

IMF Chief Warns of Threat to Dollar But Doesn’t Acknowledge its Source
By Veronica Smith – Agence France-Presse (22 Oct 2007)

Gartman Letter Notes Turk’s Disclosure of US Gold Lending, Swaps
By Dennis Gartman – The Gartman Letter (22 Oct 2007)

Billionaires Up, America Down
By Holly Sklar – McClatchy-Tribune News (21 Oct 2007)

Barclays and RBS Line up Fed for L15bn
By Iain Dey – (20 Oct 2007)

Ship Shortages Pushes Up Prices of Raw Materials [Subscribe to View Full Article]
By Robert Guy Matthews – Wall Street Journal Online (22 Oct 2007)

Why Firms Are Returning to Their Roots [Subscribe to View Full Article]
By Robert Guy Matthews – Wall Street Journal Online (22 Oct 2007)

Looking Behind the Bushes
The Progressive Review

National Anthem by 7-Year Old
AOL Video

How Television Affects Your Brain Chemistry — And That’s Not All

Credit Squeeze and Criticisms Deepen Crisis [Register to View Full Article]
By Chris Giles – Financial Times, Washington (21 Oct 2007)

IMF May be Starting to Fall Apart
By Chris Giles & Eoin Callan – Financial Times, London (21 Oct 2007)

Going Home – A Video at

Markets, or Just Interventions?
By Chris Powell – GATA (21 Oct 2007)

US House Committee Would Impose Royalties on Hard-Rock Mining
By Erica Werner – Associated Press (21 Oct 2007)

Punitive Damage Award Reduced by Half in Exxon Valdez Class Action Suit
At Sound Truth and Corporate Myth$

US Vetoed Mention of Falling Dollar in G-7s Statement
By Edmund Conway – The Telegraph, London (21 Oct 2007)

Bioneers Discuss Environmental, Social Concerns
By Rose Cox – Anchorage Daily News (20 Oct 2007)

Most Fake Bombs Missed by Screeners
By Thomas Frank – USA Today (22 Oct 2007)

Hershey’s Move to Mexico
By Steve Chawkiins – (Oct 2007)

Do Food Miles Make a Difference to Global Warming?
By Deborah Zabarenko – (17 Oct 2007)

South American Countries Agree to Found Banco Del Sur
By Jeb Blount – (22 Oct 2007)

Is There Really a Sea of Limitless Liquidity?
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (18 Oct 2007)

Eastern Europe to Reap Its Own Subprime Crisis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (18 Oct 2007)

A Poison Kiss: The Problem of Lead in Lipstick
From The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics

New Entries in Merriam-Webster’s Open Dictionary

Sludge Report #180: Terror Comes to Godzone
By Alastair Thompson – Scoop Independent News (22 Oct 2007)

The Wombat Speaks