You asked, what is the size of the total consolidated national debt?
The President of the Dallas Fed says $99.2 trillion. I would add $20-50 trillion for bailouts and collateral, securities and derivative fraud. This is the sum total of the cost of:
1. Suppressed technology
2. Having your currency issued by a private bank
3. Letting Wall Street and the private bank run your government and “manage” financial markets
4. Having no place based financial reporting
5. Having public education which excludes basic education regarding economics and money
6. Depending on a war economy for income
7. Having covert operations to stop anyone who tries to change 1-6
These are simply tactics for stealing an entire continent of natural resources using finance rather than an invasion. Another way of saying it is that $100 trillion + is the outstanding corruption tax we “owe.” Part of our challenge is that the obligation (the debt) has now been sold to a lot of other innocent men and women and institutions.
The unanswered question in all of this is “where is the money, and how do we get it back?” A good place to start is to stop allowing more to be stolen.