U.S. Indicts Wegelin Bank

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By Lynnley Browning

The United States indicted Wegelin, the oldest Swiss private bank, on charges that it enabled wealthy Americans to evade taxes on at least $1.2 billion hidden in offshore bank accounts, the U.S. Justice Department said on Thursday.

The announcement, by federal prosecutors in Manhattan, represents the first time an overseas bank has been indicted by the United States for enabling tax fraud by U.S. taxpayers.

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Related reading:

Press Release Berlinka et al Wegelin Indictment (PDF)
U.S. Attorney’s Office (3 Feb 12)

Swiss Bank Indicted on U.S. Tax Charges
Department of Justice (2 Feb 12)

Swiss Bank Wegelin Charged With Helping U.S. Tax Evasion
Bloomberg Businessweek (3 Feb 12)

Solari Report Blog Commentaries

Wegelin Clients Pulled $4 bln, Prompting Sale-paper
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