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Audio Chapters
Introduction: Audio
Theme: Audio
Money & Markets: This week in Money & Markets, Catherine looks at the recent changes to the embargo on Cuba as well as the Feds commitment to raising interest rates next year. Catherine also discusses the negative Swiss interest rate and what would happen if the U.S. Dollar goes higher.
Hero: Audio
Our hero this week is artist George Rodrigue.
Ask Catherine: Audio
Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
Question #1:
Been subscriber for couple years, love what you do, btw.
Just listened to you and Franklin and it’s pushed me to order Blue Green Algae – what brand to you buy?, do you get the Spirulina at same place?
Question #2:
Dear Catherine:
What, if anything, do these falling oil prices in-dicate to you about all of the dire consequences predicted by Peak Oil?
Question #3:
Dear Catherine:
Whenever we have a Presidential election here in the United States, is it safe to say that both the Republican and the Democratic nominees for President have already received the approval of the powers that be before they’re ever nominated?
Question #4:
Ms. Fitts, I am hearing a lot of comments on the Internet about the possibility of personal bank accounts being confiscated in the U.S. Do you think the gov’t is likely to do this? If so, how soon do you think it will happen?
Let’s Go to the Movies! Audio
Catherine discusses the interview and the film After the Wedding.
Closing: Audio
” For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a strong mind.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7
By Catherine Austin Fitts
The economics of hatred is a fascinating area of research – one I recommend to you. When you start digging in to who makes money on hatred you start to see the world through a new lens. There is no more effective tactic to financial and economic control than keeping the general population in a state of dramatic competition rather than peaceful cooperation. Arranging for your enemies to destroy each other in ways that profit you is an ancient tactic – but with digital technology and multinational corporate media it is achieving a very modern twist.
This week on The Solari Report, I will be speaking with one of the independent producers I most admire – author and host of The Digital Underground and The Cyberspace Sanctuary, Junious Ricardo Stanton. Junious and I are both from the Philadelphia area, both attended the University of Pennsylvania. We share a lifelong passion for understanding the world around us from the global economy to our local community. Junious served as a councilman in Lawnside, New Jersey and studied urban planning.
An invaluable step to living a free and inspired life is building immunity to the divide and conquer media and politics around us. To do that, I find it particularly valuable to understand the effort to alienate men from women and black from white. Remove those two manipulations and the entire game could unravel.
I asked Junious to join me because I want a raw, uncut conversation. Junious is the master of dealing with our darkest obstacles while keeping things in a higher mind. He has grappled with these issues for many years both professionally and on and off air.
Pastor TD Jakes once said, “If you lose your love, you lose your power.” How do you survive the “beat down” and preserve your love? There is no more important question before us. Love is the backbone of a culture that endures. Jim Rouse once challenged the design group for Columbia, Maryland, “How do we create communities where we are free to love one another?” This question is at the heart of outwitting the uncivil society growing up around us. We need to talk about this and we need to do it now.
In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest in geopolitical and financial market news.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review After the Wedding, a remarkable Danish movie that reminds us that there are very few degrees of separation between the richest 1% and the poorest 1% on the globe. Indeed, when the love of a man and a woman, and the love of a mother and father for a child are involved, we are all are intimately and powerfully connected.
Talk to you Thursday!