What's Up This Fall 2016?

Walk in the Park

“A study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy something is last year.” ~Marty Allen

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Last fall was so intense we did a special calendar and write up on it called What’s Up This Fall?

The section in last years discussion on Shadow Work is highly recommended as the Shadow Work demands continue to intensify.

This fall does not have as intense a calendar. However, given the Presidential election and the acceleration of mass shootings and false flags, I thought we should take a look at the calendar.

To continue reading Catherine’s commentary on current events subscribe to The Solari Report here. Subscribers can log in to finish reading here.

What have we forgotten? Input welcome!

US Presidential Election

  • September 26 – First Clinton-Trump debate (Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY)
  • October 4 – Vice Presidential debate (Longwood University, Farmville, VA)
  • October 9 – Second Clinton-Trump debate (Washington Univ, St. Louis, MO)
  • October 19 – Third Clinton-Trump debate (UNLV, Las Vegas, NV)
  • October 1-31 – “October Surprise”
  • November 8 – Election Day
  • January 20, 2017 – Inauguration

International Meetings

  • August 28-Sept 2 – World Bank’s 2016 World Water Week session in Stockholm (on the topic of “Water for Sustainable Growth”)
  • September 4-5 – G20 Summit in China; UK May Meets with Putin; side summit on Ukraine
  • September 27-29 – World Trade Organization public forum in Geneva (on the topic “Inclusive Trade”)
  • December 5-8 – World Bank’s Law, Justice and Development Week 2016 in Washington DC (on the topic of “Climate Change and Development”)

Federal Budget

  • October 1 – Government fiscal year 2016-2017 begins


  • 2017 – New British Prime Minister Theresa May said that Britain will not exercise Article 50 (necessary to initiate separation procedures from the E.U.) until sometime in 2017.

Global Currencies

  • October 2 – Chinese yuan included in the IMF’s SDR basket

Puerto Rico

  • February 15, 2017 – Stay on all litigation against the Government of Puerto Rico related to unpaid bond payments expires (but can be extended for an additional 75 days.)
  • December 31, 2016 Heath Emergency in Puerto Rico predicts 1 in 4 will have Zika Virus by end of the year


  • September 11th, 2016 – 15th anniversary of 9/11

Federal Reserve Actions

  • August 25-27 – Meeting of global central bankers in Jackson Hole, WY, at the Kansas City Fed-sponsored 2016 Economic Symposium. This year’s theme: “Designing Resilient Monetary Policy Frameworks for the Future.” Yellin will speak this year.
  • September 16 – Financial Accounts of the United States report
  • September 20-21 – Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meets (https://www.federalreserve.gov/whatsnext.htm)

Earnings Reports / Stock Market Matters

  • September 16 – Triple witching day (when stock index futures, stock index options, stock options and single stock futures all expire on the same day. Usually leads to additional volatility.)
  • September 30 – 3rd Quarter ends September 30 – earnings reports and filings follow
  • US equity markets significantly overdue for 10-25% correction
  • Strong US dollar continues to put pressure on US corporate earnings
  • September and October are important agricultural harvest times in North America and many other parts of the worlds – a good year?

October: A Time for Market Corrections

  • October 24, 1929, Black Tuesday, the Great Crash
  • October 19, 1987, Black Monday
  • October 13, 1989 Friday the 13th Mini-Crash
  • October 27, 1997 Mini crash
  • October 9, 2002 Market turn down
  • October 11, 2007 US bear market of 2007-9 begins
  • September 2008 US mortgage markets hit wall; US takes over Freddie & Fannie; Lehman declares bankruptcy

Celestial Calendar

  • August 27 – Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter
  • September 1 – New Moon.
  • September 1 – Annular Solar Eclipse (with ring of light around darkened moon)
  • September 16 – Full Moon
  • September 16 – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (darkened moon in Earth’s shadow)
  • September 22 – September Equinox (first day of Fall in North Hemisphere)
  • October 1 – New Moon
  • October 16 – Full Moon, Supermoon.
  • October 30 – New Moon
  • November 14, Full Moon, Supermoon
  • December 14 – Full Moon, Supermoon
  • December 21 – Winter Solstice


  • Various economic woes and catastrophes

Military Exercises

  • August 15 – Russia to hold naval exercises in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
  • Second Half 2016: Russia and China anticipated to conduct Joint-Sea 2016 naval drill in South China Sea.

Solari Report

  • October – Solari Report 3rd Quarter Wrap Up
  • December – Prayers for the Year 2017
  • January 2017 – Solari Report 2016 Annual Wrap Up
