Transformations & Renewals
A Gathering: October 12-14, 2012
We invite you to a gathering in the beautiful countryside of Tennessee this October to meet many other wonderful people just like you. We want to explore how we can manage the change that is accelerating in our lives and how we can find, network and help each other to be more intelligent, more joyful and more of service in the days ahead.
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Transcript of What’s Up With Gold with Franklin Sanders [PDF]
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Audio Chapters
1. Introduction and Up-coming Events – 0:00
September 27th and 29th – Sealane Advisory with Chuck Gibson
October 12th through 14th – Transformations and Renewals with Franklin Sanders
2. Money & Markets – 1:40 In an unprecedented and controversial move the Federal Reserve today announced the initiation of an open-ended round of Quantitative Easing (QE3) and extended the period for which it will keep rates between 0 and 1/4% to mid-2015.
3. Geopolitical – 9:11
4. Science & Technology – 9:11
5. Food & Health – 16:04 Egypt builds 1.4 billion dollar fertilizer plant in Iowa.
6. Life – 16:04 Chicago teacher strikes and why ‘No Child Left Behind’ is killing the education system.
7. Wildcard – 16:04 Explosion on Jupiter.
8. Ask Catherine – 16:04
Dear Catherine,
Enjoyed your interaction with Dr. Farrell. I couple of years ago, I came across a mysterious electrical signal near 60 kHz, which was everywhere in the ground and in air. I found it on the Cascade Crest Trail, in the Mojave desert and anyplace I turned my Fluke 199 B oscilloscope on, between Mexico and Canada. A German engineer had me persuaded that the signal was a transmission artifact of my meter, which made sense until last month when I found it with a different meter. There is nothing in this part of the EMF spectrum except the national clock which transmits at exactly 60 kHz. The signal is always stronger in the ground than the air, and logging the signal shows that its power jumps around and its frequency is fairly steady around 60 kHz but has numerous brief excursions to lower frequencies. I’ve attached tracings of the signal in air and on the ground. The red tracing in the third panel is the peak to peak voltage, and the fourth panel is the logged frequency. On a spectrum analyzer it looks like a frequency hopping spread spectrum cell phone signal, but there are no cell phones operating at these frequencies. If I were to guess, I think that it may be a secure communication system like GWEN. I’m going to post it on my web site in hope that someone can figure it out. Keep up the good work.
9. Hero – 16:04 Our Hero this week is Neil Armstrong. Hear more about him in this week’s Solari Report
10. Interview – 17:37 Precious Metals Market Report. Tune in to see the latest on Gold and Silver.
11. Let’s Go To The Movies! – 17:37 Why are they spraying? What are they spraying?
12. Coming Up & Closing – 1:29:32
Sept 20, Jeffrey Smith and Genetic Roulette, Report from California on the GMO referendum.
Sept 27, Jon Rappoport and A Case Study in Invented Reality
By Catherine Austin Fitts
For most of 2012, gold and silver have been in a period of consolidation: both US equity markets and agricultural commodities have outperformed precious metals. But, as Franklin Sanders predicted in our report last month, this period of consolidation appears to be over.
Gold and silver prices have moved up sharply.
What’s behind this move? More importantly, now that we’re coming into the strongest time of year for precious metals, will prices continue to climb?
There are two factors driving precious metals prices:
- The long term primary trend
- Monetary policy, both in the US and around the world
With US monetary aggregates up 6-11% between April and July of this year — and this is before quantitative easing — the impact on all prices could be dramatic if QE3 happens. Of course, this would include gold and silver.
In this week’s Precious Metals Market Report, Franklin Sanders and I will discuss recent actions by the ECB and the Fed: how increased central bank intervention could affect metals prices.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Michael Murphy’s outstanding new documentary, WHY In The World Are They Spraying?. Do you think there is a drought? After seeing this film, you’ll think differently.
Please join me on Thursday’s Solari Report to continue this conversation…