Hello Barbie is the latest incarnation of the doll – and will record what your kid says
[CAF Note: Time to start buying dolls at Etsy! Or teaching children how to make their own. Do you really want your child’s doll channeling entrainment technology and subliminal programming directly into your child mind through a doll?]
by Jeff Parsons
Toymaker Mattel has announced plans to create a connected Barbie doll capable of having internet-based conversations with children.
Grown-up technology recording your conversations is one thing, but putting it in the hands of a child is quite another.
Toymaker Mattel has partnered with a San Francisco startup called ToyTalk to develop “Hello Barbie” – an internet-connected version of the popular doll that’ll strike up a real conversation with your little tykes.
Spy Barbie currently uses a bank of pre-programmed responses to common questions and speech recognition software to detect which one to use.