Wildcards – Week of 01.15.17

Sex Trafficking Survivor Says Police were Among Hundreds of Abusers
Denver Channel | 20 February 2015
US and Canada…

Shock Video: Leftist Plan to Gas Deploraball Attendees with Butyric Acid
YouTube | 16 January 2017
To get authorities to “pull the entire”…

Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead
Your News Wire | 15 January 2017
Ulfkotte said most corporate media journalists…

Director-General Condemns the Attack which Killed Two Journalists and an Elected Official in Finland
UNESCO | 06 December 2016
Mandate to defend freedom of…

Reporters Alleged to Investigate Pizzagate Assassinated in Finland
Guardian | 04 December 2016
He then waited in the car…

FBI & NYPD: Clinton Foundation Probed for Money Laundering, Financial Transactions with Islamic Terror Groups
True Pundit | 15 January 2017
Discussed previously using Clinton…

Wayne Madsen: CIA Interference in US Election is Without Precedent – Blackmailing McCain & Graham
Public Intelligence Blog | 7 January 2017
Nothing less than an all-out…

5 Unexplained Mysteries Caught On Camera!

YouTube | 19 December 2016