Wildcards – Week of 07.16.17

Sofia Smallstorm “Soil Bacteria Is Being Wiped Out Deliberately, To Cause A Global Health Collapse.”

YouTube | 20 July 2017
Green revolution started with…toxin disposal…

Why is the Queen Funding The Clinton Crime Syndicate? Wet Works… Eugenics… Or Both?

YouTube | 19 July 2017
Most corrupt foundation in…

Zionist Thugs, Lady in the Fur Coat, and the Murder of Ennis Cosby
Nodis Info | 11 December 2014
2014…suspects in the murder of Bill Cosby’s son…

Attorney Afraid For Her Life Blows Clinton Body Count Wide Open

YouTube | 17 July 2017
State attorney’s office…Mayo Clinic…Transplants…Clinton Foundation…

The Clinton Chronicles The Bill Clinton Murders

YouTube | 18 September 2016
“You may be required to lie, steal, kill to protect”…