This audio seminar was recorded live on
March 10 and 17, 2005.
"We have turned our homes into ATM machines."
—Ed Steer
When I was assistant secretary of HUD during Bush I and the lead financial
advisor to the Federal Housing Administration under President Clinton, I watched from
the position of an insider as the senior leadership of the U.S. financial system began
to engineer today’s spectacular housing bubble – in much the same way
that they manufactured the stock market bubble of the late 1990s. The result
was twofold:
- When the and telecom bubbles burst and Enron hit the skids, people all
over the world lost their jobs and life savings.
- Still, the economy stayed "afloat" as the housing bubble continued to
finance a “first-world” lifestyle far beyond our means, based on debt.
So what’s up ahead for housing? Each of us urgently needs to develop a working
model of what has happened and why. We especially need to understand where the housing
market stands today in the larger context of Tapeworm Economics. In this seminar,
I assist you in identifying the risks and the opportunities that result from
this unprecedented situation.
"As long as I can get government subsidies, what do I care if people
have education or jobs?"
—Dick Ravitch
Chairman, AFL-CIO Housing Trust
Developer of HUD and Mitchell Lama Housing in NYC

- Brief Introduction
- My Home
- Part I vs Part II of This Seminar
• History vs Future
• Macro vs Micro
• Risks vs Opportunities
- U.S. Housing and Mortgage Credit – Time and Storylines
- Who's Who in Housing Bubble Power Politics?
Alan Greenspan
Bob Rubin
Larry Summers
Franklin Raines
Andrew Cuomo
Nicolas Retsinas
Stanley Sporkin
Jerry Hawke
Pug Winokur
Charles Rossotti
Kit Bond
Mel Martinez
Nicholas Brady
- Unanswered Questions and Wild Cards
• Scenarios: Slow Burn vs Armageddon
• Missing Money Reinvestment
• The Case for Fraudulent Inducement
• The Debt, Drugs, Draft, and Taxes Spiral
• Who Is In Control Tomorrow?
• The UnSuppression of Technology
• Solari
- Coming Up: Part II Highlights
- Question & Answer Period
- Closing or Invocation
Outline - Part
- Three Scenarios on the Political/Economic Horizon
- Housing in the Context of the Middle Class Squeeze
- Revenues
- Taxes
- Expenses
- Critical Issues
- Successful Strategies
- Successful Financial Strategies
- Tapeworm Traps
- Bottom Line
- Opportunities
- Question & Answer Period
- Closing or Invocation

Be sure you have heard Part I of this audio seminar before tuning in to Part II.
In Part II, I refer to the financial fact sheets on Bill
& Alice and Frank & Angie
below during the case examples. I hope you also will take a moment to read "Where
is the Collateral?" and "So,
Where is the Collateral?" by Chris Sanders before tuning in. These
articles connect the dots between the trillions of dollars missing from the U.S. Treasury,
questionable HUD deals, the "Where is the Money?" litigation (ref.),
and the story of how the honest folks were moved out so the mortgage bubble could
General Background
History of the Mortgage Bubble
- "America's
Black Budget and Manipulation of Markets"
Jim Puplava interviews Catherine Austin Fitts, 18 May 2004
On Financial Sense Radio - Transcript
/ Real Audio
/ MP3
- "Tapeworm
Economics Home Ownership" – Radio Talk Show
Host Alan Conrad interviews Catherine Austin Fitts
On radioActive Radio, February 2005
Wrassling with The Tapeworm
- "Where Is the Collateral?"
and "So, Where Is the
Collateral?" by Chris Sanders, October 2003 and July 2004 respectively -- these
articles connect the dots between the missing money, questionable HUD deals, the "Where
is the Money?" litigation (ref.),
and the story of how the honest folks were moved out so the mortgage bubble could
- Fitts Fights
Back, Michael Ruppert, From the Wilderness, November 6, 2003 – reports that the
Where is the Money? Litigation(ref.)
"may uncover massive criminality in the US gov't and in the financial markets."
The Internet Hotseat - Holding Tapeworm Leaders Responsible
- Mel Martinez Hotseat
- Stanley Sporkin
- Pug Winokur Hotseat
- Letter to Jerry Hawke
How Do You Pump & Dump a Neighborhood?
Or, What Does the Leveraged Buyout of a Neighborhood Look Like?
- Narco Dollars for
Beginners – audio seminar
by Catherine Austin Fitts, October 2001
- "Watching Too Much
Television" – Tony Soprano HUD Fraud
(Video/HBO) The Sopranos Episode 46
4th Season Disc 2 #7 - Brian lays out a way to use bogus real estate deals to
con money out of the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) . . . reality or fiction?
- Map of South Central
LA HUD Defaults
& Tony Soprano HUD Fraud Photo
Each Map is a one-page visual
created by Edgewood Technology Services using place-based software.
See also:
of New Orleans HUD Defaults
of Washington DC HUD Defaults

South Central Los Angeles
Narco-HUD connection?
for larger image & narration) |
- "This Is the Fight of
Our Lives"
by Bill Moyers – keynote speech for the Inequality Matters Forum
New York University, June 3, 2004
- "U.S.
Households Run Record $342 Billion Deficits Annually"
by The Northern Trust Company, Economic Research Dept, October 2004
- "Road to Ruin"
by Eric Sprott, Sprott Asset Management, January 2005
Regarding the $11 Trillion Deficit in the U.S. government in FY 2004
- "The
Three Faces of Inflation"
by James Puplava, Feb 15, 2005
- "The Real Deal
about Enron"
An Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts
by Daniel Armstrong, Feb 2003 (read Part I Only)
- "My Personal Experience with
by Catherine Austin Fitts, June 2003
- "The Myth of the Rule
of Law: The Destruction of Hamilton Securities"
by Catherine Austin Fitts, November 2001
Dumping the Mortgage Bubble by Sending the Jobs Abroad
- The Story of
Edgewood Technology Services – or How I Lost $100 Million Discovering Who Makes Money Making Sure the Solari (Popsicle) Index Does
Not Go Up
by Catherine Austin Fitts, July 2002 (Parts I–III)
- "Piracy
on the Delaware"
by Catherine Austin Fitts, 20 May 2004
Introducing Paul Atkinson's Story of How the Bush Boys, Sun Oil, the U.S.
Navy, and the Philadelphia Upper Crust Profitably Destroyed a Great Shipbuilding
Business and Its Hometown of Chester, PA
- Excerpt: "The greatest economic engine of a community
is knowledge. What do we know how to build, to grow, to make that is useful? Great
business enterprises organize people and tools in a learning environment that creates
wealth – the employees, for the investors and for the surrounding community.
When you destroy such an enterprise, you also destroy an ecosystem and the rich intellectual
capital that gives it vitality and creates wealth and purpose. Destroy such an enterprise
and you destroy the primary source of learning and relevancy in the community. Destroy
such an enterprise and you destroy a powerful constituency for transparency and accountability
in government. Without businesses like Sun Shipbuilding, we will not have communities."
- Letter to the Editor of
the New York Times regarding prisons
by Catherine Austin Fitts, March 1999
The Missing Money at HUD – Do You Really Own Your Home?
- "HUD's
Financial Woes Continue"
by Kelly O'Meara, April 18, 2003
- Testimony
of the HUD Inspector General
U.S. House of Representatives Government Reform, May 2000
- "Treasury
Checks and Unbalances"
by Kelly O'Meara, Insight magazine, April 14, 2004
The 2003 financial statements mark the seventh year in a row
that the federal government could not audit, let alone balance,
its books . . .
- 'High Risk' Finance at the
Federal Level
by Kelly O'Meara, Insight magazine, August 21, 2003
The US Government reports that its financial management systems
are seriously unreliable...
- "Why
Is $59 Billion Missing from HUD?"
by Kelly O'Meara, Insight magazine, November 2000
- "Cuomo
Leaves HUD in Shambles"
by Kelly O'Meara, Insight magazine, March 2001
- "Inside
HUD's Financial Fiasco"
by Kelly O'Meara, Insight magazine, June 2001
- "Wasted
by Kelly O'Meara, Insight magazine, October 2001
Who Has Access to Your Mortgage Data?
Dealing with Fraudulent Inducement
Positive Solutions
- Coming Clean! – 21 opportunities
for building a beautiful world
- Getting Started with Coming Clean – a Solari Audio
- Understanding
the Popsicle Index – a brief description and links
- An
Introduction to Solari Investor Circles – a brief description and links
- Solari: Playing to
Win – a slide presentation introducing Solari Investor Circles
- Shifting from Tapeworm to Solari Economics
– (also available in pdf without the animation) a chart
mapping opportunities to shift the Cost of Capital to benefit healthy economics while
shrinking the Tapeworm
- Solari
Venture Fund and Data Bank – a brief description and links re: local investment
advisor and mapping local money flows
Web sites and Catalogs Offering Useful Ideas
- Hado Institute – messages from water,
water crystal research
- Real Goods and Solar
Living Institute – for ecologically sustainable homes and workplaces
- – catalog for sustainable
home and family farm living
- Home Power Magazine – home-scale renewable
energy and sustainable living solutions
- Simple Living – tools, examples,
and contacts for conscious, simple, healthy, and restorative living
- Co-Housing – international resource
web site for co-housing
- Ecovillage Network of the Americas (English
& Spanish) – towards an ecologically, economically, and culturally sustainable

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