The Solari Report:
1st Quarter 2014 Wrap Up Web Presentation

"I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants."
~ Elvis Presley

by Catherine Austin Fitts

Theme: Spring Fever

Reorganizing the Global Consumer Global Geopolitics USA Money & Markets Breakaway


Reorganizing the Global Consumer

In the 1990’s, a series of trade agreements, the creation of the World Trade Organization and the engineering of a financial coup d’etat, unleashed a global reorganization of labor markets. In the words of Sir James Goldsmith, it was a fundamental shift in the relationship between capital and labor, with profound implications for the working person in both developed and emerging markets.

In 2013, manufacturers shipped over 1 billion smart phones. The mantle of the “largest consumer market” which had shifted from the US market of 317 million people to the European Union market of 503 million people is now shifting to “people who are online” - almost 2 billion people on line, connected with devices that increasingly integrate media, entertainment and financial transactions.

The two billion people who are online control a significant majority of the media attention and financial transactions on the planet.

This process has accelerated the reorganization of global media and consumer markets. The impact will be as far reaching as the reorganization of the labor markets that is still underway.


  • What does it mean when media, entertainment and financial transactions merge into one medium?
  • What is the Internet of things?
  • Is this much bigger than mobile-ready?
  • Is a smart phone a communication device or private surveillance?
  • Will the Snowden revelations create a balkanized Internet?
  • What are the implications for the equity markets?


Freescale Semiconductor

Listed #44 in the world's most innovative companies of 2014 by MIT Technology Review, highlighting their achievements:

  • Making tiny computers for the Internet of things
  • 2 square millimeters size of a Freescale chip that has a processor, memory, and other functions

Wikipedia describes them as follows:
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. is an American company that produces and designs embedded hardware, with 17 billion semiconductor chips in use around the world. The company focuses on the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets with its product portfolio including microprocessors, microcontrollers, digital signal processors, digital signal controllers, sensors, RF power ICs and power management ICs. In addition, the company offers software and development tools to support product development. The company also holds an extensive patent portfolio, including approximately 6,100 patent families.

On March 3, 2014, Freescale Semiconductor released its first 11 radio frequency power products suitable for US based defense market application.

On March 8, 2014 Malaysia flight 370 went missing. The flight manifest included 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor on their way to China.

Retail 2.0 to 3.0

  • Apple App Store: $10 Billion Sales in 2013 December App store sales of $1 billion
  • are equivalent to the annual revenues of the government of Greenland
  • Who is fading away? TV, cable, Hollywood?
  • Bytes and Atoms: Who will deliver, shopping malls or drones?
  • Equity markets: Retail 2.0 down, Retail 3.0 Up
  • You and me: reengineering expenses down, identifying niche market opportunities

Consumers: Just Do It

  • Walk-aways and work-arounds everywhere
    • Dallas Buyers Club
    • Reddit on Malaysia 370
    • Kickstarter $1 billion
  • Paying the Fee on Obamacare
    • Example: Second Opinion
  • Tax Time
    • The double-standard prices out
    • Taking gains is expensive
  • 2014 Elections Coming Up
    • Incompetence and corruption are a cover story
    • April Fool's Day from the Supreme Court: elections won't count

1st Quarter Special Solari Report

  • FBAR Developments For Individuals For the 2013 Tax Year
  • Business: Just Do It

    • Cutting out the finance guys
      • Hospitals move into Insurance
      • Silicon Valley reengineers brokerage businesses
      • T-Mobile offers banking services
      • Web sites: peer-to-peer lending
      • Paypal finances purchases
      • Virtual currency – can it cut out credit card companies?
      • WalMart and Apple suing credit card companies
    • The Vatican: The mother of all reengineerings
    • Regulators take their pound of flesh
      • Banker deaths

    Related Stories

  • Hospitals Plot the End of Insurance Companies

  • Global Geopolitics

    In the annual wrap-ups, I have warned that our greatest risk is not global financial collapse. Our greatest risk is war.

    The stress of growing populations engaged in greater consumption in the face of harsh weather, environmental risks and ongoing "disaster capitalism," has increased the use of force and raised risks throughout the global economy.

    Grain, Gas, Pipelines, Debt: The Dance in Ukraine

    Related Stories

  • US Secretly Built 'Cuban Twitter' to Stir Unrest
  • Russia Is Ousted From Group of 8 by U.S. and Allies
  • US Mulls Sale of Crude Oil Reserves to Punish Russia For Crimea Annexation
    • History: The Rape of Russia, 27MM dead in WWII
    • Russia vs. US and NATO, or Chevron, Cargill and Gazprom cutting up the pie?
    • The price of wheat and gas rise
    • Ukraine per capita income: Use it or lose it
    • G8 downsizes to G7
    • The IMF pass through
    • The lesson in soft revolutions and soft weapons
    • Putin & the growing backlash
    • Forget cooperation in space

    The Quiet Dread of Fukushima

    • The unanswered questions grow
    • Abenomics
    • Don Coxe offers the alternative view
    • A time for prayer for all concerned

    Reform and Slow Down in China and the Emerging Markets

    • Reforming the Chinese shadow banking system
    • Slower growth in China
    • Slower growth in the emerging markets
    • G-7: The call of capital homewards continues

    Energy Breakthroughs

    • Renewables grow, fracking too
    • Is the battery breakthrough coming?
    • Creative destruction is upon us
    • How many inventors? How many inventions?
    • How will energy work with the Internet of Things?


    The first quarter has been a challenging one throughout North America in response to multiple stresses. Let's focus on several key areas where local action can make an enormous difference in building a stronger economy.

    The One-Two Punch on Small Business

    Related Stories

  • 26 Top American Corporations Paid No Federal Income Tax From ’08 to ’12 – Report
    • Obamacare
    • Weather and heating bills
    • Retail 2.0 to 3.0
    • Minimum wage
    • Regulatory burdens and enforcement
    • Tax Time
    • 401k's
    • Where is the opportunity?

    The Targeting of Municipal Officials and Public Pension Funds

    Solari Hero: Charlie Farnsworth

    • Teeing up the local opportunity
    • Controlling public pension funds
    • Mega cities and control
    • Scapegoating government
    • Pew: Right or Wrong?

    Unemployment: What's the Plan?

    Related Stories

  • Average US Per Capita Income And Average Federal Employee Salary – 2012
  • Alternate Unemployment Charts
    • 100 MM+ Americans on means tested subsidies
    • Expected: 40-50% of current jobs to be automated
    • Where is the opportunity? The food stamp example again!

    Money & Markets

    Here's a roundup of the markets in the first quarter:

    12/31/2013 3/31/2014 % Change
    S&P 500 $1,848.36 $1,872.34 1.3%
    DJIA 16,576.66 16,457.66 -0.7%
    Russell 2000 (IWM) 115.06 116.34 1.1%
    MSCI EAFE (EFA) 67.10 67.20 0.2%
    MSCI Emerg. Mkts (EEM) 41.80 41.01 -1.9%
    Barclays Agg Bond (AGG) 105.83 107.71 1.8%
    Barclays H/Y Bond (JNK) 39.97 41.12 2.9%
    Gold (oz.) 1,204.50 1,291.75 7.2%
    Silver (oz.) 19.50 19.97 2.4%
    US Dollar Index 80.04 80.11 0.1%
    Commodities-Reuters/Jeffries CRB Index - $CRB 280.17 304.67 8.7%
    Baltic Dry Index 2,277.00 1,362.00 -40.2%
    10 Year Treasury Yield Index - $TNX 30.26 27.23 -10.0%
    30 Year Treasury Yield Index - $TYX
    39.64 35.61 -10.2%

    QE, the Dollar and the Shift to a Digital Currency

    • Yellen, QE and taper
    • QE S&P500
    • Pressure on the US dollar
    • Bitcoin as top-down prototyping

    US Equities Rock On

    • What happened to housing?

    Breakaway Economics

    • $40 Trillion: Where is it?
    • Automation and transhumanism
    • OK, so who is really in charge?
    • OK, so what are they afraid of?
    • Our opportunity

    Related Stories

  • The Navy's Newest Destroyer Is a Drone
  • Fully Invisible Aircraft
  • Alibaba – Rock the World

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  • Alibaba's IPO architect lays out blueprint for e-commerce empire
    • Eighteen years from living room start up to the world's greatest online everything
    • As of 4/2, relative market capitalization:
        - General Motors: $55 Billion
        - Goldman Sachs: $78 Billion
        - Intel $125 Billion
        - Alibaba: $140 Billion (Underwriters Est.)
    • Look for and Weibo this year as well


    Steps You Can Take: Your Breakaway

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