Money & Markets – Week of 8.04.08

Storms on the Horizon
By Richard W. Fisher – Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (28 May 2008)

Citigroup and Merrill to Buy Back Auction-rate Debt
By Grant McCool & Jonathan Stempel – (8 Aug 2008)

Banks Face Higher Hurdles to Physical Oil Trading
By Luke Pachymuthu – (6 Aug 2008)

Money Supply at 7 Aug 2008
St. Louis Federal Reserve Report

~ Previous blog posts on Money Supply: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Another Good Year for the Harvard Endowment
By The Mess that Greenspan Made – (7 Aug 2008)

Central Banks Intervening to Support U.S. Dollar
By James Turk – (8 Aug 2008)

To America, With Shame
By John Sakowicz – (6 Aug 2008)

‘An Inconvenient Truth’ for the U.S. Economy – Indebted Ever After
By Frank Ahrens – Washington Post (7 Aug 2008)

Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie
By Wayne Barrett – Village Voice (5 Aug 2008)

Governments Caused Credit Crisis, Capitalism Gets Blamed
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (8 Aug 2008)

Rate Cuts Likely Ahead for European Central Bank
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (8 Aug 2008)

Citigroup May Buy $8 Billion in Auction-Rate Debt
By David Scheer & Karen Freifeld – Bloomberg News (6 Aug 2008)

Britain’s Biggest Pension Schemes Turn Surplus Into £41 Billion Black Hole
By Christopher Hope – London Telegraph (6 Aug 2008)

Big CFTC Data Revision Raises Oil Traders’ Eyebrows
By Robert Campbell – (5 Aug 2008)

New Yahoo Election Tally Reveals Big Protest Vote
By Eric Auchard – (5 Aug 2008)

How Much Change Does Robert Rubin Believe In?
By Steve Weissman – (5 Aug 2008)

Market Spotlight: Assisted Living Occupancy Slides
By Jennifer Malloy – Associated Press (12 May 2008)

The Fed is the Problem, Not the Solution
By William Greider – The Nation Magazine (30 Jul 2008)

Connecticut Sues Moody’s, S&P and Fitch Over Ratings
By Karen Freifeld – (30 Jul 2008)

~ Read the Connecticut AG’s Press Release

~ See Case Detail – State of Connecticut website

Pax Fined for Failure to Screen Investment Funds
By Mark Jewell – Associated Press (30 Jul 2008)

Copenhagen Consensus – Press Release
The world’s best investment: Vitamins for undernourished children (30 May 2008)

India’s Central Bank Shifts Slowly Away From Dollar
By Gayatri Nayak – Economic Times (India) (4 Aug 2008)

Naked Shorting’s Early Critic Starts to See Some Vindication
By Steven Oberbeck – Salt Lake Tribune (2 Aug 2008)

Fewest Treasury Traders Since 1960 Hit Taxpayers
By Sandra Hernandez – (4 Aug 2008)