Links for Money, Magic, & Conciousness

We had a great discussion this am at the Money, Magic & Consciousness panel moderated by Kimberly Carter Gamble at the Consciousness Life Expo this morning in Los Angeles.

There were many participants interested in learning more about the Solari stock model (dividing strategic control from financial investment) as well as crowdfunding and the forthcoming SEC regulations on using crowdfunding to raise private equity and venture capital. I promised I would post links that I mentioned during a very lively Q&A.

Solari Special Report: Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act of 2012

Related Reading:

Solari Report: Peter Ireland: Start-up Financing For the Rest of Us

Solari Report: Family Wealth with John “Jay” Hughes

Solari Special Report: Crowdfunding Bill

The Comfort Calls Story: Organizing the Legal Structure for Your Startup

Crowdfunding via Customers is The New Startup Capital

Can Mature Firms Benefit from Crowdfunding?

Mosaic Crowdfunds 4 Solar Campaigns in 24 Hours

The Role of the CPA in a Crowdfunding Future

$1,000 and a Click: Buying Stock the Crowdfunding Way

Crowdfunding Bill Would Allow People to Invest in Local Businesses

JOBS Act Crowdfunding is Unlikely to Help Most Startups