The UnAnswered Questions of Weird Weather

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The Church of England has now announced that they are pulling their endowment investments from companies that do not “play ball” on climate change. I am not sure what that means exactly. To my knowledge, the Church never made such a fuss over pedophilia, narcotics trafficking, slave trafficking or a variety of other profitable, high-margin businesses that generate large stock market valuations for the corporations who launder such funds or enjoy their reinvestment. Which is to say that this is very, very important.

Their announcement came on the same week that we read that Lloyds of London is developing a new model to predict weather to help insurers manage their risk from bad weather.

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Somehow, I suspect there is a connection between Lloyd’s losses and the Church of England’s concerns.

Weird weather, indeed, is on many people’s minds. California and the Western United States are struggling with a terrible drought. Economic forecasters are not meeting their targets as cold weather and snow keeps consumers at home.

This is not a surprise to Solari Report subscribers. For the last three years, the Solari Report Annual Wrap Up has emphasized that weird weather would be one of the most important trends of the coming year.

Explanations given by proponents of climate change, particularly climate change said to result from human behavior as opposed to, say, the Earth’s rotation through the galaxy, have been met with increasing skepticism. Is this simply a justification for more central control and a central tax? The deterioration of respect for global leadership has increased the suspicions of those who would pay the tax and carry the burden of increased regulation.

However, as we always do, we come back to the unanswered questions of the fundamental issue. Why are we experiencing a global spraying program that is re-engineering our atmosphere globally? Why are there more and more people who believe that weather control and weather warfare is at play? (Yours truly, included)

What, if anything, does this phenomenon have to do with increasing interest in investment in space? What does it have to do with the continued suppression of transparency about who controls and is financing all the very expensive UFOs flying around the planet? Those are the UFOs that are using an energy system other than the fossil fuel that we say we need despite what it may or may not be doing to the atmosphere. The contradictions here are deep.

The Unanswered Questions of weird weather are becoming pervasive.

That’s a good thing. Keep asking questions.

Related Reading:

Entrepreneurs Looking For ‘Windfall’ Cash In On Climate Change

Church of England Vows to Fight ‘Great Demon’ of Climate Change

A Solari Report Special with Clifford Carnicom

More Questions About Chemtrails

Dr. Nick Begich on HAARP

Genetic Roulette

“Why in the World are They Spraying?”

WHO in the World is Spraying?