Read the Transcript
Read the transcript of Equity Overview – The Shift to Global 3.0 here (PDF)
View the Money & Markets Presentation
View the Interview Presentation
Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file
Audio Chapters
Theme “The Latest Round of U.S. – China Rebalancing Kicks Off”
Money & Markets This week on Money & Markets, Catherine discusses the latest trade negotiations between the U.S. and China. She also takes a look at the current state of the U.S. and European stock markets. Also covered is political and scientific happenings around the world.
Hero Our heroes this week are a coalition of labor, indigenous rights groups and farmers, and campesinos of Guatemala. Who managed to get the Guatemalan legislature Decree 19-2014, commonly referred to as the “Monsanto Law,” repealed.
Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
Question #1:
I’ve been a fan ever since I heard you tell your story several years ago. You are one of a handful of people that I go to for infor-mation these days. Thanks for being one of the good guys.
You mentioned in one of your recent discussions that there was some powerful community building/organizing going on in some parts of the world. I believe you mentioned Ireland specifical-ly. Can you point me to that information or any relevant info.? I am looking for ways that the little guy (that would be me) can or-ganize to avoid the slow burn, via CSA/CSM Local financing etc. Many thanks for your time and thoughts and for your courage and integrity.
Question #2:
Dear Catherine,
Greetings! Thank you so much– for all you do.
My husband Sean and I live in the Upstate New York area– Boiceville, near Woodstock– and have been long time subscribers. We were delighted to hear that you were planning a lunch in NYC. We understand that it has been postponed till Spring.
Is there hope of connecting with other Solari subscribers in NY? We would be very grateful if you could start the wheel turning, to promote connection with those that are awake and aware in our state. We are just a couple of hours from NYC.
We do understand, as stated in your recent missive, that quality networking on the internet is indeed risky. However, with our natural intuiution and a little providence, we would love to have the opportunity to meet more like minded folks.
Again, thanks so much for keeping us informed. We always look forward to the next Solari experience!
Question #3:
My mother has an IRA valued in cash with J.P. Morgan Chase. Considering the current legal issues with J.P. Morgan Chase. What would be a safe alternative/institution for where she deposits her IRA account?
Question #4:
Hi Catherine,
Hearing more talk about “bail-ins”. What are your current thoughts? Are we closer to that being a reality. Would it be wise to move cash balances to investment accounts? Or would they be any more protected there?
Let’s Go to the Movies! In Let’s Go to the Movies, Catherine reviews Christopher Nolan’s new film Interstellar.
Interview Discussion Catherine discusses her interview with Chuck Gibson.
November 20: The Oil Card – What’s Next?
November 27: Vaccine Exemptions with Alan Phillips
December 04: Year-end Tax Planning with Patty Kemmerer
Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file
The Solari Report 2014-11-13
Subscriber Charts:
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“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” ~Richard Feynman
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on The Solari Report, Chuck Gibson of Financial Perspectives, joins me for our quarterly Equity Overview.
In our January Annual Wrap Up, I introduced the concept of the shift from Global 2.0 to Global 3.0. Rather than focus on the deterioration in the government systems from which assets have been shifted, I wanted to focus on the reinvestment of those resources. Where are resources going and what are the implications for our society and economy?
I explored these developments further in our 1st and 2nd Quarter Wrap Ups. The result was many excellent questions from subscribers about the implications for the equity markets and for your investment strategy.
To respond, Chuck and I decided to focus this Equity Overview on the investor’s perspective on Global 3.0.
To do so, I reviewed the twelve trends that will have the greatest impact on the economy in the 3rd Quarter Wrap Up.
This coming week, after Chuck updates us on recent developments in the equity markets, we will describe how these trends are emerging in the equity markets. Then we will cover the key risk issues and the implications to your investment strategy, including the pros and cons or a buy and hold strategy, the role of diversification and the importance of quality in leadership – whether of companies, funds or custodians.
Chuck has prepared a series of graphs and charts that give you a strategic view of both markets and the history of investment performance.
In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest in economic and geopolitical news.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Christoper Nolan’s new science fiction blockbuster, Interstellar.
Talk to you Thursday!