2015: Free & Inspired with Jon Rappoport

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The Solari Report 2015-01-22

View the Money & Markets Presentation

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Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2015-01-22

January 29: The State of Europe with John Laughland

February 05: Warning Children about Spychips with Dr. Katherine Albrecht

February 12: A Solari Report with William Bergman

2014 Annual Wrap Up Web Presentation

Read the 2014 Annual Wrap Up Web Presentation here.

“My preference is to live neither as dependent or victim, rather to look reality squarely in the face and use the resulting intelligence to live a free and inspired life. This includes building wealth in changing times.” – 2014 Annual Wrap Up

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week on The Solari Report, Jon Rappoport joins me to discuss the most intimate part of our 2014 Annual Wrap Up.

How do we manage to live a free & inspired life? How do we create a vision for our future which is more attractive to our time and attention than the shrieking and manipulations around us? How do we calmly navigate in the midst of political instability and volatile financial and commodity markets?

As always Jon helps us to live the life we choose to lead, not the one others attempt to herd us into.

Enjoy the web presentation for the Wrap Up first – you will get essential perspective on what is happening and what’s ahead.

In Money & Markets I will review recent geopolitical and financial developments.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will discuss the new Denzel Washington action thriller “The Equalizer”.


Talk to you Thursday!