The Solari Report: 2015 Annual Wrap Up  
  The Space-Based Economy

Table of Contents

Space: Here We Go!

"The reverberation often exceeds through silence the sound that sets it off; the reaction occasionally outdoes by way of repose the event that stimulated it; and the past not uncommonly takes a while to happen, and some long time to figure out."
- Ken Kesey

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Since WWII, one of the largest government investments in the developed world has been the effort to keep citizens in the dark regarding outer space and what we may be doing there. At the same time, the amount of money disappearing into hidden systems of finance and black budgets – likely related to space programs and space weaponry – indicates that there is quite a lot going on in space. It is a mystery whether this secrecy relates to the UFO phenomenon, our response to it, or to the hidden control of sovereign governments and the financial system.

Those of us who were inspired by President Kennedy’s support of space exploration believed that we were headed into space in a major way a long time ago. After Kennedy’s death, the NASA budget peaked at 4.5 percent of the federal budget. It is currently 0.5 percent.

Did our investment in space decline following the 1960’s – or did it simply go dark? Was one of the goals of the Kennedy assassination to ensure that the U.S. effort in space would be kept secret to insure U.S. unipolar dominance?

I believe that it was.

2016: Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!!!

This is going to be a hard year for many and an amazing year for some. Creative destruction will be growing in the economy as Global 3.0 rises and the unraveling and reorganization of the global political order continues. - 2014 Annual Wrap Up

Much of what I said in the 2014 Annual Wrap Up remains as relevant to 2016 as it was for 2015. So here are my very similar suggestions to energize your path forward!


A backcasting is a planning approach in which a desirable future is created. Then planning works back in time from the future to identify the actions that connect it to the present. You define how you successfully achieved your goals, inspired by the assumption that you will indeed succeed.

Although a map of the world around you is invaluable, the most valuable asset you can have is a coherent picture of your purpose and how you will live the life you wish to create. When I was in Texas this year I met a man who had weighed 600 lbs. He looked like he had lost about 400 lbs. I asked him how he did it. Full of vitality, he said one word - "visualization."

Use a backcasting to visualize the future that attracts you in a powerful way.

Vision 2020

In 2015, my goal was to live a "free and inspired life" and to help you do the same.

I was able to spend significant time abroad in 2015. I spent time working, speaking and traveling "down under" in Australia and New Zealand in the summer. I was in Europe for two months in the fall, in Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Scotland. As I do every year I was able to drive the full length of the United States with multiple trips to both East Coast and West Coast.

Meeting and getting to know subscribers, clients and colleagues continued to offer fresh insights and inspiration.

Best Books for 2016

"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." ~C. S. Lewis

Here are my top picks for books to inform and help you build health and wealth in 2016


Value Investing: Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investment by James Montier

Montier is a master of unpacking the hard, cold facts of investment history and what it means to investment process and strategy. His books help you see the world more clearly and make you a better investor.

And the Winners Are...

Hero of the Year

Our hero of the year is Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez.

Dr. Gonzalez operated a clinic in New York City that treated cancer patients with a cancer diet therapy that included pancreatic enzymes and a host of natural compounds and vitamins as part of a total cancer nutrition package. Heralded by authors from Suzanne Sommers to Franklin Sanders for his groundbreaking work healing cancer with natural method, Dr. Gonzalez died unexpectedly in July 2015. His contributions to medical knowledge and innovation are a legacy that will never die.

Closing & Credits

Our greatest resource is your continued financial, intellectual and moral support. On behalf of the entire Solari Report team, I want to thank you for making it possible for us to do what we do. Thank you for the steady stream of feedback and ideas. Let us know your questions and concerns. Thank you for making our lunches and gatherings such fascinating and heart-warming experiences.

Let us know how we can do an excellent job of serving you in 2016. What can we do to help you live a free and inspired life?

© Solari, Inc. 2016