2016 & the Space-Based Economy with Dr. Joseph Farrell

Read the Transcript:

Read the transcript of 2016 & the Space-Based Economy with Dr. Joseph Farrell here (PDF)

Subscribers: Due to some technical issues during the recording the last third of the interview there is a drop in audio quality.

Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2016-01-21

Download the Interview audio file


Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2016-01-21

Download the Money & Markets audio file


Audio Chapters


Theme The theme this week is Where is peak oil when you need it?

Money & MarketsCatherine discusses the latest in market movements and geopolitical events.

Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.

Interview Discussion Catherine discusses her interview with Dr. Joseph Farrell.


January 28 – Rambus – Are We in a Deflationary Spiral?

February 04 – Russia & Global Geopolitics with Saker

February 11 – Making Waves – Entrepreneurship for Everybody with Jason Bawden-Smith

“When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It’s all a matter of perspective”
~ Harvey Mackay

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week on the Solari Report,  Dr. Joseph Farrell will join me to discuss the Solari Report 2015 Annual Wrap Up –  to review our global shift into space and the space-based economy, the top trends and stories of 2015 and to explore what is ahead in 2016. Our conversation will be free range and – as Dr. Farrell says – we include “high octane speculation.”

Enjoy the web presentation for the Wrap Up first – you will get essential perspective on what is happening and what’s ahead.  As one subscriber said, “The view is breathtaking.”

In Money & Markets this week, I will discuss the latest financial market developments and geopolitical news.

In Let’s Go to the Movies I will review The Intern, a heartwarming movie that reminds us why integrity never goes out of fashion.

Please make sure to post or e-mail your questions, comments and concerns.

Talk to you Thursday!