The Execution of LaVoy Finicum: Cui Bono?


“Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so.”
~ John Donne

By Catherine Austin Fitts

From a review of the available evidence, it appears that federal agents last week executed Arizona rancher LaVoy Finicum (shown above with his wife and children) in Oregon in cold blood.  It sounds like his colleagues kept their heads and made it out alive. It could have come out the other way. They are lucky. Although, if the execution is questioned in court, their lives will be in danger, as well.

The media assassination of Finicum, his family and and his colleagues is now underway. You have to kill his name if you want to kill him, get away with it and send the message that you can.

American leadership has a long history of sending people to execute other people.  It often goes something like this: someone, typically a rich guy, makes a deal with someone else. Certain politicians carry the water on the deal and get cut in for a piece of the action. Often, they are transferring government resources at below market prices, so discretion is required.

Then, it turns out that the implementation of this transaction runs into road blocks. Other people have property rights. There are local regulatory processes. The local citizenry is upset by the lawlessness or the lousy economics of what is happening. But the problem is that contracts are now in place, so the hold-up costs money and attracts unnecessary attention. The hold-up also creates risks (including personal liabilities). People get frustrated. Falling commodities prices mean that cash flows are thin. Overhead is burning away.

Finally, someone is appointed to “fix” things. It’s as though a hot potato is transferred over to federal agents or to covert operations teams…unless it’s jobbed out to mercenaries or to mob hit men.

Either the clock was ticking and the pressure was on — resulting in a poorly executed mess — or this execution was carried out to set a highly public example and to convey a message.  A covert team would have achieved a similar result with an induced heart attack, bio warfare, poisoning, EMF, or entrainment. The ranchers would have failed or died and the public would not have been the wiser. The deaths would have appeared natural or looked like suicides.

If you take away just one message from this event, let it be the following: whatever you must do to stop gun control and a constitutional convention, please do it. Otherwise, be prepared to be herded off your land and into urban “reservations” where you will be stripped of your property and your human rights.

You can also dig deeper and find out “how the money worked” on the Finicum execution. What deals are going down behind the scenes on federal lands in Oregon? Jon Rappoport has suggested that the execution may be related to a Clinton deal with the Russians for uranium.  Whatever or whomever it is, let’s follow the money back through the federal bureaucracies and the shadows to the anonymous individuals who flipped the kill switch.

Cui bono? Who benefits?

Related Reading:

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Watch: We’ve Slowed Down the Video of the LaVoy Finicum Shooting (Viewer Warning)

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*Freedom’s Cry: LaVoy Finicum

YouTube | 30 January 2016

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