What’s Up in Alabama?


Men’s Health ranks Birmingham as one of the four most impotent cities in the country. Could this help explain the problems in Alabama?
Impotence Hits You Where You Live
Men’s Health.com
~ View the entire list of rated cities here.

JPMorgan, 11 Others Sued over Jefferson County Crisis
By William Selway & Martin Z. Braun – Bloomberg.com (17 Jun 2008)
The Complaint says:

“Through a long series of ill-conceived financial transactions, the sewer ratepayers of Jefferson County have been saddled with a debt of roughly $11,491 per residential sewer customer, which is the highest in the nation.”

Conyers Subpoenas Karl Rove Over Justice Department Scandal
At RawStory.com (22 May 2008)

Largest US Municipal Bankruptcy Looms in Alabama
By Joe Mysak – Bloomberg News (11 Apr 2008)

Break-ins Plague Targets of US Attorneys
By Larisa Alexandrovna, et al – TheRawStory.com (1 May 2008)

FBI Raids Special Counsel Office, Seizes Records
By Ari Shapiro – NPR.org (6 May 2008)

U.S. Securities & Exchange Commision – Litigation Release No 20545
SEC vs Langford, Blount, et al – Case No cv-08-B-0761-S (N.D. Ala., filed April 30, 2008)

~ See the Complaint.

SEC Bond Case Says Swaps Aren’t Beyond Law
By Joe Mysak – Bloomberg News (6 May 2008).

It’s Official, Alabama is the Soviet Union
By Larisa Alexandrovna – The Huffington Post (5 Apr 2008)

Did Ex-Alabama Governor Get a Raw Deal?
CB News (24 Feb 2008)

Alabama’s biggest industries have historically been military and agriculture. With war becoming America’s biggest business and food prices soaring, the outbreak of market share power squabbles between federal and local leaders is not surprising.

To learn more about money flows in Alabama:

Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund:

To learn more about money flows in political campaigns in Alabama:
