By Catherine

Bailout Math

I just read a post indicating that the purchase of guns by Americans in 2008 was running at an average of 3 million a quarter

By Catherine

Pieces of Eight

Announcement from Edwin Vieira, Jr.: Responding to numerous requests, I have tentatively arranged for a reprint of my book Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers

By Catherine

Targeting Small Business

As state and local governments seek greater revenues to balance their budget, they create new rules, taxes, fees and laws that further destroy economic activity.

By Catherine

Stimulus or Economic Hit?

Photo: Russell Lee I keep receiving reports that banks are cutting lines and refusing to loan to healthy businesses. There are more reports of profitable

By Catherine

Getting 'em Hooked

By McLaren and Torchinsky The Sam’s Club in Salisbury, Maryland, is promoting its pharmacy by handing out pill bottles filled with candy to kids. I