By Catherine

Dr. Sam Chachoua

Photo By: Joel Black Dr. Sam Chachoua is a talented physician who had to leave the United States for reasons of safety and to protect

By Catherine

The Missing Money

Wayne Gretzky once said, when asked the secret of his success at ice hockey, “I skate to where the puck will be.” It is for

By Catherine

More on Community Prayer

By: Jean-LeonGerome For a long time, I have believed that community prayer can play an important role in transforming communities. That said, I don’t know

By Catherine

Financial Ecosystems, Part I

Chicago’s 49th Ward The participatory budgeting networks are abuzz with excitement about the participatory budgeting effort being introduced in the 49th Ward of Chicago. The

By Catherine

Spilling the Beans

Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food By Jeffrey M. Smith On May 19th, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on “Physicians to educate