By Catherine Austin Fitts
Below is a list of risk issues I prepared for a theoretical family considering a move from a densely populated high cost area in the United States. I will use this as background for our discussion of scenarios for our 1st Quarter 2017 Equity Overview.
- Family of four US citizens
- Two children
- Family members are healthy
- Family lives in large state in a densely populated area
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Risks to Consider:
I. Decision Making
- Maintaining balance and coherence during change
II. Environmental Pollution
- Nuclear accidents, including Fukushima
- Global and local spraying
- EMF radiation
- General pollution – deterioration in air, water and food quality
III. Health and Safety
- Faith – loss of positive vision of future, joy and connection in response to change
- Mind – Quality of field; digital and smart systems use entrainment technology and subliminal programming
– consumer addictions – pornography and gambling
– media influence for political or financial purposes
- Traffic
- Deterioration in health care freedom, health care system and importance health care proxy and related planning
- Local cultural deterioration
- Local stress levels from change: divide and conquer manipulation; shadow work
- Private armies, intelligence agencies and mercenaries operating above the law
- Community and network – positive energy or negative energy
- Crime
IV. Financial
- Inflation
- Corruption/soundness of the banking and custodian systems
- Shift from Global 2.0 to Global 3.0
- Shift from global debt model to equity model
- Inability of leveraged system (debt and derivatives) to handle a recession without war or financial crisis
- Dependence on insecure digital systems; exposure to cyberwarfare
- Push to eliminate cash and chip population
- Financial fraud
V. Political
- Secrecy of government operations and finances; destruction of individual privacy
- Weather warfare
- Digital systems and smart grid systems used for mind control, including political and financial applications
- Reengineering of federal budget
- State and local unfunded pension and debt liabilities
- Growth of operations outside the law: breakaway civilization and “midianite thing”
- Targeting of children: pedophila, military draft, experimental drugs and vaccines, on line covert operations, mind control
- “Gotcha” enforcement
- Weaponizing population: Chuck E. Cheese brawl
- Encroachment of health freedoms
VI. Becoming a Multi-Planetary Society
- Transhumanism – inhuman vs. human civilization.
Questions to Consider for Choice of a Physical Location:
- US Jurisdiction – pros and cons of North America
- Anglo-American/5 Eyes Jurisdiction
- NATO Jurisdiction
- Dense or remote
- Local individual community connection and power
- Culture – human or inhuman; high learning metabolism or low learning metabolism; faith vs. aethiest
- Local jurisdiction weather and assets
- Water, food, health care
- Who is your farmer, doctor, banker?
To consider for remote locations:
- intensity of spraying
- other pollution and mind control
- quality of education and necessity of home schooling
- sufficient access to reliable hard wire or satellite to work from location
- enforcement and safety issues