For Profit Surveillance

By Catherine Austin Fitts

One of the most amazing things to watch these days is the building of a FOR PROFIT surveillance state.

Aaron Russo was a fine man. A very successful Hollywood producer, he dedicated the last years of his life to help his audience understand the efforts underway to shift us to a fascist society. Among other things, he warned us about plans to implant chips on individuals to track and control the general population at an intimate level.

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For example, here is an interview he did with Alex Jones before he died. This is a MUST WATCH.

I bring this up because I just read Pebbles announcement that they have sold 400,000 smart watches since January 2013. Which means approximately 400,000 people have paid money to be chipped and tracked.

Converting fascism to fashion (thank you, entrainment technology) is the basis for building a profitable police state.


Related Reading:

The Data Beast

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