How Your Mind Creates Your Future

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The Solari Report 2013-12-26

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“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” ~Hebrews 11:1

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

For our Solari Report this week Jon Rappoport explores the way our mind shapes our future.

What determines where we end up in our lives? How does one determine the outcome? How does an unreality become reality?

These aren’t only physical accomplishments, but mental accomplishments as well.  Your ability to visualize yourself in new situations and places is determined not only by your skills but by your mindset. If you really believe in something – you can achieve it.

Jon dives into a multitude of ways we can break ourselves out of toxic mindsets; mindsets that prevent us from really obtaining what we want out of life.

Here is the inspiration to create New Year’s Resolutions for 2014 that push past yesterday’s boundaries to new possibilities.

It’s Jon’s show this week – so no Money & Markets. Keep posting questions and comments for the following week when I join you for my Year End Wrap Up on January 2nd.

On behalf of the Solari Team, thank you for a great 2013. We look forward to health, prosperity and new adventures in the months ahead!

Related Reading:

Exit the Matrix with Jon Rappoport

Jon has created a new special collection which includes a wealth of his material on imagination and personal power. He is calling it Exit the Matrix. It comes with my highest recommendation!

For more information on Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News.