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Transcript of the Feb 9, 2012 Precious Metals Market Report
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1. Introduction & Theme – 0:00
– Theme: The Matrix Steals to Second Base; transcript of Jon Rappoport interview is up and available to subscribers, click HERE; Catherine speaks Saturday, Feb 11, at the Cambridge House California Resource Investment Conference; The U.S. is the closest it has been in almost 20 years to achieving energy self-sufficiency, a goal the nation has been pursuing since the 1973 Arab oil embargo triggered a recession and led to lines at gasoline stations.; she will be in Emeryville, CA Feb 12, see Solari Events webpage; remember to have a look at the transcript of our 2011 Year End Wrap-up, click HERE; also see great new Special Solari Report by our attorney Carolyn Betts on Foreign Reporting Filing for the 2011 Tax Year HERE; also see Questing & Economics 101. …
2. Money & Markets – 04:08 – Brussels Company LayerWise announcing use of a 3D printer to make a new jaw for an elderly woman. It’s not just about the pro-centralization team, it is about technology and the changes and creative destruction it causes. OECD study on the economy of space – strong dollar policy tracks the build out of the satellite systems. Spend a lot of time looking at applied technology in energy and natural resources, manufacturing and health care – Watching a bifurcation deep within within the equity markets of the companies leading the integration of new technology within their operations and those that are not – it is a fascinating process to watch. Creative destruction is very real. Part of what the pro-centralization team is doing is anticipating it and saying, ok we will just give everyone a government check, because with robotics machines can do what humans used to. Switzerland, ONI 400,000 robotics engineers in 10 years in USA. The maker movement reflects these developments – bring it back to successful application in our lives. One of my goals on the Solari Report is to help you stay current. Announcement that Drones are being introduced for domestic enforcement, including farm surveillance – lock down on food – is chilling – check it out on the blog. The FAA Reauthorization Act, which President Obama is expected to sign, also orders the Federal Aviation Administration to develop regulations for the testing and licensing of commercial drones by 2015. Privacy advocates say the measure will lead to widespread use of drones for electronic surveillance by police agencies across the country and eventually by private companies as well. “There are serious policy questions on the horizon about privacy and surveillance, by both government agencies and commercial entities,” said Steven Aftergood, who heads the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists. The Electronic Frontier Foundation also is “concerned about the implications for surveillance by government agencies,” said attorney Jennifer Lynch.The provision in the legislation is the fruit of “a huge push by lawmakers and the defense sector to expand the use of drones” in American airspace, she added. According to some estimates, the commercial drone market in the United States could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars once the FAA clears their use. The agency projects that 30,000 drones could be in the nation’s skies by 2020. We talked about this in our review for Let’s go to the movies – The End of Violence. With the possibility of a society policed by drones, worth revisiting this movie. …
3. Solari Heroes – 09:35 – City of Berkeley Commissioners; City of Berkeley announced that they are going to move their $300MM of bank deposits out of Wells Fargo and into a local bank. …
5. Interview – 16:12 – See our Special Solari Report this week on the latest U.S. regulations on foreign financial accounts – the hot topic of this tax season. The seizure of U.S. holdings of Wegelin Bank and filing by the Department of Justice of criminal indictments against the Wegelin partners underscores the seriousness of the hunt for tax dollars as US revenues from individual and corporate taxes continue to fall. I will start with Money & Markets. Franklin updates us on the gold and silver markets. Will be another buying opportunity in gold and silver before the primary trend upwards continues, including to swap gold for silver at 57.5:1 or better. More on European workouts, the weirdness of the currency market and the importance of creating liquidity. …
4. Movie – 55:11 – A comment on World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements and on public school teacher John Hunter’s TED talk about his World Peace Game – a reminder that not only can we understand global politics and economics, but we can make it fun too! …
8. Up Next & Closing – 1:03:10 – Jo Kline Cebuhar on Health Care Proxies – February 16; check out wordpressdevurl.com/events for Catherine’s upcoming schedule. She will be at the Hyatt Grand Champions Resort in Indian Wells, California on February 11 (for those of you in Southern California attendance is free; Title: Successful Investing in Natural Resources: Key Issues for the Retail Investor. If you make it over, let me know you are a subscriber and I will do my best to make time for your questions.), and at the Long Beach Health Freedom Expo on March 3, 2012. …
By Catherine Austin Fitts
I’m in Silicon Valley in California and Franklin is at Top of the World Farm in Tennessee. Given what is happening in the markets, we have a lot to talk about on Thursday evening!
We are publishing a Special Solari Report article this week on the latest U.S. regulations on foreign financial accounts – the hot topic of this tax season. The seizure of U.S. holdings of Wegelin Bank and filing by the Department of Justice of criminal indictments against the Wegelin partners underscores the seriousness of the hunt for tax dollars as US revenues from individual and corporate taxes continue to fall.
I will start with Money & Markets. Then Franklin will update us on the gold and silver markets. We will talk about whether there will be another buying opportunity in gold and silver before the primary trend upwards continues, including to swap gold for silver at 57.5:1 or better. Then more on European workouts, the weirdness of the currency market and the importance of creating liquidity outside the large fiat systems.
Franklin and I will also answer your questions on precious metals so make sure to post your questions in the comments section for this blog post.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, a comment on World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements and on public school teacher John Hunter’s TED talk about his World Peace Game – a reminder that not only can we understand global politics and economics, but we can make it fun too!
Talk to you Thursday!
If you have comments, thoughts or questions that you would like me to address, please post by Thursday.