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Introduction Audio
ThemeThe theme this week is “It is a Multipolar World Now” . Audio
Money & MarketsThis week in Money & Markets Audio , Catherine discusses the latest in market movements and geopolitical events.
Ask Catherine Audio Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
Let’s Go to the Movies! Audio Catherine reviews the documentary Sacred Stage.
Closing Audio
February 11 – Making Waves – Entrepreneurship for Everybody with Jason Bawden-Smith
February 18 – Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders
February 25 – Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy with Professor Kelly M. Greenhill
“Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”
~ Winston Churchill
By Catherine Austin Fitts
A “saker” is a large migratory falcon that breeds from Eastern Europe across Asia. It is a more than appropriate handle for the Saker, the military analyst who “flies” from Vineyard of the Saker — my preferred website covering the geopolitical dance between Russia and the US and the emergence of a multipolar world.
Saker has just published a marvelous collection of his posts entitled The Essential Saker: From the Trenches of the Emerging Multipolar World.
For anyone who wants to understand the flow of events in Russia and Eastern Europe, you will find this week’s interview and the Saker’s writings a rich, fascinating contribution:
“I think it’s a war — personally, I think Russia and the US are at war. And it’s a war for the future of civilization quite literally because the two models are incompatible. And one of them will have to collapse and be replaced by the other one. It’s unclear to me which one it will be, but that’s how deep it is now.”
“And there is another phenomena: these people [the Western leadership[ project their own mindset onto others. For instance, you probably remember that statement that Hilary Clinton made (I think it was in Scotland or in Ireland) that Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Union. And that’s laughable. It’s pathetic. You wonder who her advisers are. Russia has no need or use for a Soviet Union. As a matter of fact, everyone in Russia knows that. There is ridiculous talk today about Russia either planning to invade the Ukraine or now they say Poland and the Baltics — it’s laughable. But the thing is, this is what they would probably do if they changed places. Not only are they dead set on never negotiating but only submitting people, but they assume that everybody functions like they do.”
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review the documentary Sacred Stage which tells the story of the historic Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, Russia, a symbol of culture that’s managed to outlast war, revolution and the fall of Communism.
Please make sure to post or e-mail your questions, comments and concerns. If you’re not a Solari Report subscriber yet, you can learn more about becoming one here.
Talk to you Thursday!
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