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“We are in the midst of an historic pivot of investment and credit.” ~ Solari Report Annual Wrap Up
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week’s Solari Report is a follow up to your questions on our January Annual Wrap Up.
It is a briefing on the parts of the global economy experiencing significant investment, including from funds shifted out of governmental systems over the last twenty years and technology transferred from black budget programs.
In the first part, I will brief you on WHO is running things and what their concerns are.
We will look top down – from the global or G-7 level as well as from the viewpoint of the managers of large intergenerational pools of capital, such as pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and pools of family and private syndicate wealth. We will also look bottom up – from the viewpoint of an individual or head of household, the head of a small business or a small town mayor. How does this change how we relate to our family, our community and our colleagues?
In the second part, on March 13, I will address WHAT is happening – what we are building, growing and doing.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Sputnik Mania, a marvelous documentary about the response of the United States to the Russian’s successful launch of the Sputnik satellite in 1957 and the forces at work to build popular support for the “military industrial complex.”
It’s the last week of the month – so no Money & Markets. Post questions for the Breakaway Economy!